Stage 4 nsclc adenocarcinoma advice

hi I’m new here but not new to cancer unfortunately. My nephew was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma (lung cancer ) 4yrs ago - had partial removal of lung, chemo therapy &radiotherapy. It has now progressed to stage 4 with pericardial effusion of heart at one point. He now has another couple of tumors one in particular in neck and while receiving low dose chemo to keep tumors from “Speeding up”- he has extreme breathlessness and heart functioning at only 40%. He has recently been prescribed oromorph for breathing and has been referred to palliative team. But the oncology team cannot give him a time frame (as they have said he technically shouldn’t be here)which is more upsetting to him than anything. 

He knows how ill he is and he is making plans but as he has no indication of “when”, he is finding it very hard to organize if you will, his time and to make peace with the short future ahead. 

In anyone’s opinion reading this (and don’t worry I won’t hold you to it)- what hypotheticals would his prognosis and time frame likely to be?

Thank you



    Hi Barrie,

    First of all let me wish you a very warm welcome to Cancer Chat.

    I am so sorry to hear about your nephew’s diagnosis and prognosis. Sadly, it is impossible for any of us to predict how long he has left. From what his doctors have said, it sounds as if he is already living on borrowed time. His consultant is usually the person most likely to be able to offer a prediction, although even this will be a guesstimate. He knows all about the type of cancer your nephew has, the stage it is at and his general medical history. I am sure that if he is asked outright he might try to give you a new estimate.

    Sadly, this is something that worries all of us with cancer, many who are living on borrowed time, having exceeded any predictions given. All I can suggest is that instead of living in fear of the end, try not to look at the bigger picture. Live life day-by-day or even hour-by-hour if need be. Try to make memories while he can and enjoy each day as if it is his last. I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer in the last 8 years and, to me each day is a bonus. This disease is so unpredictable and affects individuals in different ways.

    I sincerely hope that your nephew continues to beat the odds and baffle the medics even more.

    Please let us know how things go. We are always here for you both whenever you feel like talking.

    Kind regards,


  • Thank you so much for your very kind reply Jolamine. 

    You are amazing and am in awe of Your strength and how you look at life. 

    I think what’s most troubling to him is that he doesn’t know if he can make a timeline of plans so to speak. His quality of life isn’t great and at this stage really that should be paramount as quantity is something that he doesn’t  know of. 

    Again many thanks for your reply. Mind kind. I wish you Wellness. B


    Hi Barrie,

    Of course your nephew can draw up a timeline of plans, regardless of whether or not he reaches the end of the page. Having a goal in mind is so much better than just sitting there waiting. It's not easy when his health restricts the quality of life that he can have.

    Stay strong and be there for him.




  • Hi Chriss thanks so much. Youre very kind. Thanks for reporting also, I really apreciate it ( and the virtual hug! and kind vibes)

    Hope you are doing ok.

    Love and Light


  • Thanks for support Barry .. they did great job of clearing them ...  x