Stage 4 lung cancer advice needed

Hi Everyone, Firstly I want to send out all my thoughts to anyone here either battling or supporting others with thus cruel illness xxx  Heres my story...My Dad has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung and liver cancer which has now spread to his shoulder, face, leg and bones. He has lost tons of weight, and seems to have aged overnight. It's only been August since diagnoses although he has felt unwell for years but never saw doctor. He's now had tons of biopsys and scans since then and spends practically 4 days a week at the hospital for one thing or another . His mobility has got tons worse this last week and is now very limited and he is struggling to walk. We have got him a wheelchair now to get him out for a bit of fresh air and also as he always enjoyed going out so trying to keep things normal (ish). He sleeps on and off most of the day nodding off wihout warning but hardly at all at night. When he does sleep at night it is only an hour or two at a time.He hardly eats but he drinks special drinks from doctors which have vitamins. He is in constant pain around his stomach all day and night and the only thing that eases it (only slightly)is a heat pack thing. He can get quite muddled and confused and then tearful, almost like a child.i asked the question(in private) to the doctor at the hospital about what timescales we are talking (obviously they can't be 100%accurate) but they said( Dec if lucky). They have now given him chemo....please tell me why they would put him through that knowing it will not make him better?? Please give me some advice as I don't live near to him although I spent a week or two with him to care recently. I haven't really been told exactly what's going on and it's worrying me even more. What will the chemo do? Will it make him worse or help with pain? The morphine does not help at all, nor does the twelve or so tablets he takes throughout the day and night. My Dad is all i have and i am so upset to see him on this painful journey. Luckily he is veing positive and i will go with that for his sake but knowing that times limited it devastates me. Please can you give me some advice or if youve been in same situation some info xxxx thanking you in advance xxx 


  • Hi Crazycat,

    You've already replied to my post so you know my situation and it sounds like we are going through something very similar. I am so, so sorry that this is happening to you and your family.

    The way you've described your dad is exactly how mine is too. He spends a lot of time asleep but is also in a lot of pain. He gets muddled and confused and then becomes upset without being able to explain why.

    I can only assume they are giving your dad chemo in the hope that it might ease his symptoms. If the chemo stops the tumour from growing for a while, even if it's only for a short amount of time, it might help lessen the pain. My dad had this and it worked for a while but when the cancer started growing again despite the chemo, he chose to stop. 

    I know exactly how you're feeling right now and I am so sorry. I'm very close to my dad and losing him was literally my worst nightmare and now it's becoming a reality.

    If you have any specific questions you want to ask me then go ahead, I'll do my best to help or at least try and stop you from feeling so alone xx

  • Thank you so much xx I feel quite alone as my Dad is my world (I don't have a mum or siblings) I'm like you and i too feel horrible for saying this but I hope he doesn't have to suffer much longer xx that's selfish to say I know as I love him dearly but I mean that because of the pain he endures daily x

  • My partner of 25 years was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in May.He had a week of radiotherapy and is just completing 4 courses of chemo in the tablet and introvenus type.He is just 66.

    He is doing much better putting on weight but he developed worse . breathlessness and we have found out after a cat scan although the treatment had shrunk the tuma he has a clot on his lung.


    I am injecting him every day 

    He can't have surgery we were told this at the start.

    Am I kidding myself or is it possible for him to carry on with quite a good standard of life if he takes it steady.I find my emotions are very mixed.Can anybody give me some hope with a story that may be similar to mine I need to know what might be around the corner.

  • Hi all, So things have took a turn and Dad had to go to A&E as very unwell. His blood pressure was really high and he now has another infection. He also has another illness on top of the cancer connected to his smoking ( I don't remember what name they said it was). He stayed in overnight and had a bad night. His blood pressure has gone down but he is now on oxygen, has a catheter and is being kept in. He is not eating and is very unwell. They have allowed his partner to stay there with him 24/7....Do you think this is because he wont be with us very soon? It's really just hitting me now.please let me know if you have experienced similar situation 

  • Hi Crazycat,

    I am very sorry you are going through this journey with your dad. My mum had stage 4 terminal kidney cancer that has metastasized to her lungs. So, for the past 6 months, we were dealing largely with the cancer in her lungs as she has already removed the infected kidney. She may as well have lung cancer as her entire treatment regime was targeted to get her lung cancer managed.

    Your father's situation share some similiarities with my mum during her last days with us. Her blood pressure was very high, she has completely stopped eating (and was fed through tube), had lungs infection, a cathether put in and was on oxygen (started with 2 Litres/minute but her final 3 days with us, we had to up it to 15 Litres/minute).

    My mum's situation was exacerbated by a round of stroke that hit her and that was when we also found out she had new small tumours in her brain. Subsequently (just a week after the stroke) she suffered internal bleeding in the rectal caused by constipation as a result from morphine intake. She passed away 1.5 weeks later. I can't say for sure where your dad may be at at this moment as his situation sounds a littel more stable than my mum's but I hope whatever it is, your father is being kept comfortable. 

    Sending you lots of love! Stay strong.

  • Hi another update: Dad's potassium levels are high again and his speech has deteriorated. He has deteriorated dramatically overnight and now his partner has told me that they think Dad is waiting for me... I am going to travel down there first thing in the morning to say what may be my final goodbye. I am heartbroken. I cannot stop crying and am not sure how I will control myself tomorrow as I don't want him to be upset by me crying. I feel like my whole world is about to come crashing in as I don't know how I will go on without him. He is my world . Life is so cruel

  • We've lost him tonight x