Stage 4 lung cancer advice

Hi everyone,

I posted a few day ago that my nana had been diagnosed with lung cancer and we were waiting for pet scan results. Well my nana had her appointment yesterday and results from scan last Wednesday were given.

The scan showed that basically the cancer has spread everywhere into her bones, it's in her clavicle, ribs, sternum, scrum, iliac bone. The tumour on her lung has grown in size since her biopsy and her right lung has collapsed.

My nana hasn't been right for a good few weeks now so I think this news was not entirely unexpected but we just kept hoping it wouldn't be. The consultant yesterday said that she could be offered radiotherapy to help with her bone pain, shes crying  with the pain at times, the gp gave her pain relief but she didn't like taking it as it made her feel worse she said. My nana has said she doesn't want treatment.

The last week my nanna has been saying  she wants to go into hospice, the nurse yesterday is arranging for the local hospice to go and visit my nana on Friday to discuss things.

I don't live near my family though we are all extremely close,speaking most days. I spoke to my mother yesterday who is heartbroken, she doesn't know what to expect, if this is 'the end' . My mum is coping with a lot at the moment, she has 2 brothers the elder whom is fighting  bladder cancer, the younger wanting  to bury his head in the sand.

I dont really know what I am asking, just wanted to get things off my chest. I had to break the news to  my daughter last night, who is also extremely close to her, that really upset me as she was sobbing that she felt sad that she might not see her again.

  • Hi hannahsmum1,

    I'm so sorry you have recieved this news and I hope getting it off your chest on Cancer Chat has helped in some small way. Since going to hospice is what your nan wants, their visit on Friday could be good for her. Despite the impact this is having on your family, I hope that you can come together and support each other.

    All the best,

    Moderator Anastasia 

  • My nana is still holding in there. I'm visiting this weekend with my daughter but know deep down this will be the last time. The hospice nurse is coming out on Mondy, they are ,looking to increase meds or give longer lasting pain relief, as nana is in a lot of pain, sleeping lots, barely eating and drinking, coughing up blood clots. My mum says she feels she doesn't have any fight left in her now, and we just feel theres not long left. My mum gets upset at  various family member asking how long she has left, we don't know. 

    My mum is struggling as her older brother has bladder cancer, hes  been poorly recently, his wife has not been very horrid to my mum saying she can't go and see him as he doesn't want to see anyone, shes desperate to see him though and got upset yesterday after being told she couldn't. My nana is asking for him too as she hasn't seen him. I just feel for everyone

    My daughter has been very teary the last few days, and I'm sat here crying and heart sore at the prospect at losing my nana, she  means so much to me. 

    Not sure of the point of this post just wanted someone to listen.