Stage 4 Cancer

Hi everyone 

On the 18th of February my mummy went to hospital as she started to go jaundice. First of all they where treating her for gallstones and would just need a simple procedure to have them removed (we where told this after an inconclusive ultrasound scan we later found out) so the next evening after a CT and MRI scan the doctor came around and told mummy she had something more sinister. After 48 hours we where told mummy had liver cancer but it could be operated on. She had a camera put in to make sure the cancer was contained within the liver which it showed it was so they could continue with the surgery and remove the tumour and after she may or may not have needed chemo. She got the date for her surgery which was the 12th of April 2023, unfortunately after the surgery she developed a blood clot in her portal vein and we where told she wouldn't make it through the night, she survived on a further 3 weeks and we had some hope, she was in ICU all this time. Her kidneys where also not holding their own so she was on dialysis for them. After the 3 weeks she was moved from ICU up to a ward which we thought was a good thing being moved from ICU but unbeknown to us it was because there was nothing more that could be done for her In ICU. After being moved up to the ward my mummy sadly passed away on the 8th of may 2023. She had 11 weeks in total. She died from liver failure and heart disease. We where told when they operated they realised mummy actually had stage 4 gallbladder cancer which had spread to her liver and was very aggressive. We are all struggling so hard to believe she is gone after such a short time. We thought all along because she was having surgery she would be ok. So we where so hopeful. And so was she. The toxins built up and went around her brain so she wasn't really with it after the op either. I never realised gallbladder cancer can't be detected sadly untill it's too late. I would love to hear from anyone who has had a loved one in the same situation. It's been a rollercoaster of a few months and we just can't come to terms that mummy is gone. Such a horrible cruel disease. 

  • Hello Tabby_

    I'm so very sorry to hear that you recently lost your Mum, just a few short weeks after she was first taken ill. It's understandably a difficult time for you all. 

    Hopefully if we've any members who have similar experiences of losing a loved one, or stories about gall bladder cancer to share, they will post a reply to your message. 

    In the meantime I wanted to let you know about two charities that offer bereavement support if this is something that you, or any of your family members, feel they may benefit from. The first is an organisation called Cruse and the second is the bereavement support service that is run by Marie Curie

    I hope that as a family you're able to support each other through this loss. Know that our thoughts are with you all. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Hello Tabby, welcome to Cancer Chat where I hope you will find the support you so desperately nd. 
    Please accept my sincere condolences to you and your family on the loss of your beloved mum. 
    I do not  have experience of this type of cancer but hope to give you some support in general. 
    I understand how you and your family are feeling but it is so early in the grieving process. Time is a great healer and you need to take one day at a time. Some days will be better than others but there is a light at the end of the long tunnel. 
    I hope you will take the advice of the Moderator and seek support from those she suggested. 

    For many years I was a Cancer Support Volunteer which gave support to individuals post diagnosis and bereavement , this was on a one to one basis and lasted up to 12 weeks if necessary. From xperience almost every one benefitted from the hourly sessions each week  May be your GP Practice can offer some guidance  

    Thinking of you and take care.
