Stage 4 breast cancer and radiotherapy

Hi folks looking for some info mum has stage 4 cancer her+ since 2015 she has been having chemo every 3rd week maintenance but today she had her 1st radiotherapy on l breast she will be having 15 sessions and 8 booster radiotherapy can anyone tell me good and bad effects and more importantly did it work if they had it done as she is absolutely petrified as she has got this long with just chemo and now we are facing a whole new road she will still be having chemo and she feels that it's the final thing they can offer really just looking for honest information be it good or bad 

  • Hello Freakingout2019
    I know that quite a number of our members here have had radiotherapy for breast cancer. You can use the search function (magnifying glass in the blue bar at the top of the page) to search for posts and connect with other members. 

    We do also have some information on our website that will hopefully be of help. I've linked it for you here. I'm sure that the radiotherapists will be very happy to explain things and answer any questions that you and Mum might have. The ladies here on the forum who've had radiotherapy most always say how great their radiotherapists are. But if you'd like to talk things through with one of our team of nurses then do give them a call on 0808 800 4040 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm). 
    I hope that the next few weeks go smoothly for Mum. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator