Stage 2 Hodgkins Lymphoma


After 3 months of tests, biopsies, 2 surgeries, CT and PET scans, ultrasounds and way too many hospital appointments, I finally have a diagnosis. Stage 2 Hodgkins Lymphoma. I think I had already come to terms with this way before today but still, being told you have cancer at age 20 is a bit of a strange feeling. I'm not sure what the future holds, but I have little insights thanks to the amazing people I have met along the way who are also suffering with lymphoma. Remaining positive and focusing on the good of this, how I can help others in my situation and spread awareness about a cancer I knew nothing about. Hearing that you have cancer is scary, but it would've been unbearable had I not known it was curable, but other types of cancer aren't as lucky and for that I'm grateful. Awareness around lymphoma in young people needs to be spread, I've always been told to check my boobs for lumps - but never my neck.

Hope everyone is doing okay, and thank you for the support I've had on here after the past few months. It's been very helpful.

  • Hi there - I'm very sorry you've had this diagnosis especially because you are so young. It must be very scary & difficult for your family of course but glad it's curable.

    You ask how you can help others in your situation. How about answering some of the posts on this forum. I know how much it helps to 'talk' to people in the same situation & as you sound so very positive I feel sure you would really help others.

    Very good luck to you - stay positive :):) x

  • Hi, just wanted to check in on you’re still on here, as I’m just about to begin testing myself; how are you doing after your diagnosis? X 

  • Hi Jess


    I am a year in remission now and doing really well. I hope you are okay and dealing with whatever the outcome was! x

  • Hello I am also 20 

    mans I'm suffering bad health anxiety, 

    I noticed a week ago that one of my glands has flared up you can't see it only when you press down on the neck under the right jaw line you can feel it, I also have a sore throat on one side and my tonsil is slightly and I mean tiny bit bigger than the other I was wondering what symptoms you have or where they the same I don't mean to come across rude just want to know as I'm so scared I'm gonna die young :( 


    thank you for reading and I'm so happy you are in remission :) 


    jake x