Stage 1b Cervical Cancer

Three weeks ago I was giving the horrifying result of my Biopsy taken due to severe results of my recent smear.


My emotions have been all over the place.  I keep having the conversation in my head when I first found out the news.   I can't sleep at night it's on my mind all the time . 

I have a wonderful family.  My husband has been so supportive bless him . We also have two young children so we do have to carry on with life as normal as we wouldnt want them to know.  

My MRI is tomorrow and I am really anxious about it as I am so clostrophobix.  I have Diazapan off my doctor should I need it . We have been told to arrive an hour early then I will be able to find out if I can go into the Scanner feet first or not. If not it gives me time to take my Diazapan.

One thing that is really worrying me though however.  Despite me having regular smears (despite me not having my first smear until I was 30 - I know that was really bad.  I am now 44 and I have had lots of smears since then.  The first one though when I was 30 was aborbmal but no action was needed and I was retested a bit later on . I cant remember when that was though however.  

So despite having regular smears how have I been diagnosed with Stage 1b cervical cancer.  How has it not been spotted in other smears as Abornmal Cells and all the different stages the abormal cells go through.

I am so confused.


Worried Mummy


x x x

  • Hi- sorry about your diagnosis- Try not to worry too much- stage 1b is low and easily treatable.

     Smear recall is every three years- unless otherwise directed, this is why it’s important to attend when invited, as abnormal cells can appear within this time frame. 

    Good luck with your treatments

  • Thank you so much for your lovely message. 

    You have certainly made me feel better and not so anxious too.  MRI went well today just have to wait 3 weeks for the results. 

    Yes smears are highly important and they save lives. 

    I like your name by the way and I agree live life to the full.  

    Hope your ok lovely person. 

    Worried Mummy


    x x x

  • Hi worriedmummy

    I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis and I know it’s a very scary time for you, but it’s good that things have been caught early and this is very treatable. Once you have the results of your scan your team will make a treatment plan and you’ll start to feel more in control as you will have something to focus on. Are you also having a CT scan?

    Depending on what type of cervical cancer you have, it can be difficult to spot in a smear test.

    I have adenocarcinoma, and this type of cancer starts higher up in the cervix so can sometimes be missed at scans where the cells are taken from round the cervix. It is one of the less common cervical cancer types. 

    I have stage 2b cervical cancer, but if I can give you some positive news I have been through all my treatment and at my check up a few weeks ago after another mri scan my tumour is gone and there is no evidence of disease. I am feeling really well and have no problems now. 

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. I’m happy to help where I can and be here to chat if you need some support. x

  • Thank you so much for your lovely message and reassure.  

    You have made me feel a lot better and thank you.  

    It's the unknown that's the worrying bit isn't it.  Afraid to make plans as your not in charge of your future if that makes sense . 

    2b bless you that sounds scary.  Did you have an operation and radiotherapy or chemotherapy? Sorry for all the questions . I had my MRI yesterday. I found that a big thing . And the weird thing it's made me feel worse again . We have made a point of being busy and it's slightly gone out of our minds again . But yesterday all that equipment it all seemed so real .  


    You are a very brave lady and I know I don't know you I can't thank you enough for helping me on my journey now.  I want to help others when I am recovered too . So pleased your tumor is totally clear big well done.


    How long does all the treatment take.  Sorry for all the questions.  I suppose I will know a bit more in 3 weeks time when the MRI results come back.  What is a CT scan nobody has mentioned anything to me like that yet .  


    So proud of you, your one strong and brave lady .


    Worried Mummy 



  • Hi sorry to hear about your diagnosis but seriously try not to worry I was stage 1a1 last year my cancer was removed when the colposcopy was done.

    Did you have clear margins on your biopsy?

    I haven’t had to have radiotherapy or chemotherapy but I chose to have a hysterectomy. I didn’t need one as everything had been removed with the leetz.

    Feel free to ask any questions xx

  • Hiya many thanks for your message and reassurance too. So many lovely people on here .  

    I've had a biopsy but I don't know much about it to be honest.  Just the next stage being the MRI.  

    I didnt know they could remove it like that . Wow a hysterectomy how did you feel after having that done.  

    So pleased your through it bless you your so strong .

    Many thanks

    Worried Mummy 



  • I was up and running about the following day.

    They can remove it by lettz and if you have a clear margin then you shouldn’t really need any further treatment as it’s at such an early stage.

    The Mri is just a procution being as the cancer is at a very early stage the chances of it spreading are minimal. X

  • Thank you I feel better more and more.


    Can I ask you one more thing it's just playing on my mind . Did you have bloods taken at all when you had the results of the biopsy.  Also one more thing so sorry. On the MRI they were requested to do a scan of the kidneys is that normal procedure do you know please 

    I am so happy for you my lovely friend you strong person . And on here being so kind and helpful .I really want to do the same and help and reaaaure others. 

    Worried Mummy


    x x x

  • Hi there


    I am just recovering after having a radical hysterectomy done three days ago.

    I know it is easy to say and very hard to do but I promise you it is less scary than it sounds. 

    I had my letter about abnormal cells start of march and what scared me the most was the speed everything happened at.

    From smear test to op 2 months!

    The level of care and support had been amazing. 

    I was diagnosed with stage 1b1 . 

    You will be fine my love. :)


    Big hugs


  • I don’t recall having blood tests until I went for my pre op but different hospitals have different protocols.

    with regards to the mri yes that’s normal I had a pelvic and abdoninal mri.

    what you are going through is hell I know the waiting for test results is almost enough to finish you off. My advice is try not to let it play on your mind to much and stay away from google x