Stage 1a Melanoma

I have today been diagnosed with stage 1a Melanoma. I noticed a new and unusual mole on the edge of my big toe nail a long time ago, I didn't really think much of it until it started to change colour and shape. I had it removed and it has come back as melanoma with 0.7mm thickness, my consultant has said I am very lucky it is no thicker as it would have meant having my toe amputated. The next step is wide excision however because of where the mole was the consultant said my full toenail needs to be removed and I will likely need a skin graft. Has anyone had anything similar? He said it's unlikely my toe nail will grow back 'normal' which is a small price to pay I know but again wondering if anyone has any advice on this? Thanks. 

  • Hi,

    I'm sorry you are going through this, especially on such a tricky part of the body. My melanoma was on my shin so I have no personal experience of a mole next to a toe nail, however I can ask around some of my melanoma friends to see if anyone has had a similar experience. I will send you a friend request - if you accept it I can then send you a private message with any information I may find out and you can ask me any general melanoma questions you may have.

    Take care,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)

  • Hi,

    Thank you for replying, I really do appreciate it. I have accepted your request, that would be great if you wouldn't mind doing that? I feel like I didn't ask enough questions when I found out yesterday afternoon so I may call the consultants secretary and see if I can possibly email my questions. I'm so concerned that they are going to say my toe needs to be amputated even though he said this would not be the case. I'm very much worrying about all possibilities. 



    May I ask, when you had your melanoma removed from the shin did they have to do a skin graft at all? Also I hope you are well now. 

  • Hi,

    Hopefully it can be done without an amputation - the Plastic Surgeons are brilliant at what they can do.

    I was to have a skin graft but they managed to do it without in the end. It was very tight & I had to lie with it elevated for a few days to help it heal but it was worth not being the hospital for a week!

    I'm good now thank you. I was originally Stage 1b and sadly it returned in my groin & pelvic nodes 13 years later (now Stage 3) but that was 12 years ago & I'm still NED (No Evidence of Disease - the melanoma equivalent of remission). I'm fit & healthy & hopefully will stay that way.

    Angie x