Stage 0 melanoma

my partner delayed going back post a removal of a mole but was found to have a melanoma and needs a wider excision now, it took him 6 months to follow up due to working away. I feel guilty i didnt push him more, what else should we do now? they are not planning to do a lymph node biopsy. Should we look into getting one for absolute piece of mind?


  • Hi Sydney123,

    I know you must be worried at the delay in having his Wide Local Excision but if your partner was diagnosed Stage 0 melanoma they won't do a Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy because the depth was under 1mm. In fact, Stage 0 is usually called 'in situ' and it means the melanoma hadn't grown below the skin's surface and has had no chance for a cancer cell to break off and travel into the lymphatic system - so a SLNB would not be necessary. I'm sure his consultant will explain all this & I know that, even if you could afford to go privately, a consultant would not carry out a procedure that they know is unnecessary. Also, a SLNB has possible side effects that can be temporarily debilitating (cellulitis, seroma, lymphoedema which is a life long condition) and many consultants don't believe a SLNB helps stop the spread of melanoma - it's used more for staging purposes. 

    Because it was in situ there is little chance that the delay would have had a negative effect, however it's good that he is now going to have the WLE. This is a belt & braces procedure to ensure they have removed it all with a safe margin & it also means they will monitor your partner, probably for a year, so that any other moles he may have can be checked for peace of mind. I'm sure you've given him the 'hard word' about burying his head in the sand but please continue to advise him that, if melanoma is caught & treated quickly it will cause no further trouble - left without treatment can mean a far worse outcome in the future.

    Good luck & let us know how he gets on,

    Angie (melanoma patient)