Sotorasib for Kras mutation non small cell lung caner

Hi ,

Has anyone on here got any experience with Lumakras / Sotorasib my Dad has started taking this and has been on it for about 5 weeks and was doing ok but now seems to be having nausea and diarrohea and is struggling to eat also struggling with joint pain  ! He has been started on this as chemo has not worked he has lung cancer non small cell with a Kras mutation . 



  • Hello Michelle

    I can see that you've previously mentioned that your Dad is struggling with some side effects of this treatment. I'm sorry to hear that things haven't improved. 

    I've checked the forum and we've not had anyone else mention this particular drug however I can see that there are a few people on the Macmillan lung cancer forum who have mentioned Sotorasib so it may be worth posting a question on their forum as well. 

    I do hope that the Consultant's team is able to make things more comfortable for your Dad soon. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator