Sotorasib for Kras mutation non small cell lung caner

Hi ,


Has anyone got any experience of been diagnoised with or have a loved one with KRAS mutation non small cell lung cancer and had the sotorasib targarted therapy or the Pembrolizumab immunotherapy ? if so what results did you have ? desperate to hear from somone who has the KRAS mutation and reviced any of these treatments .


Thank you 

Michelle xxx

  • Hello Michelle,

    While reading through the forum, I saw your post and noticed you hadn't received a reply yet, so I decided to stop by to welcome you to the forum and say hello.

    I don't remember anyone posting about this kind of therapy you mentioned but fingers crossed one of our members may be able to shed some light on it soon. I did, however, find a bit of information on our website about the drug, Pembrolizumab (Keytruda), so if you feel like reading it I include the page here. I hope this helps.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Michelle

    My mum was on immunotherapy for non mall cell stage 4 lung cancer for 3 months but we recently found out its not worked at all. She starts sotorasib this week but im worried as her condition has declined. 

    Did you, or anyone you know have sotorasib?


  • Hi My Dad started this in July 2022 , sadly he passed away on the 17th of Nov , I am beyond devestated ! This drug is for peple with a kras mutation they do not respond to iv chemo ! this drug is fairly new and not many people have heard of it ! Dad was fine on it then after a month started getting side afffects and eneded up in hospital a few times . 

    I joined Kras kickers on FB alot of those members have experince of this drug found it helpful ! 

    I may b worth your Mum startingon half the dose and increasing , this drug cmpant are doing a study now on half dose it was rushed through so they could start giving it to kras pts so never tested on half dose and its quite toxic onlover etc , a lot of people on kras kickers take half dose and seem stable on this . 

    Also just a note ask for regular brain scans not offered on regular basis but we found out Dad had brain mets common place for lung cance and he was to ill to have radiotherapy on them by this stage ! 

    You will fing apart from the oncologist no one has heard of this drug and the common side affects so empower yourself , the Kras kickers group is helpful for this I joined the Amrican and English group ! 


  • So sorry to hear about your Dad

    My mum starts her sotorasib on wednesday just 1 tablet a day but not sure of dose. Shes just so weak at the moment...

    She was on immunotherapy for 3 months but it did not work, she has kras mutation


    Jackie xx

  • Its nomally 8 tablets daily not sure 1 tablet will have any effect at all seems odd one tablet she probably needs to start on at least half the dose 4 tablets daily ! Kras mutation is not easy to treat . Ask why they are starting her only on 1 tablet ? 

    Get her bloods done make sure she has not got a low HB 

    If not eating much ask for fortisip & forti juice drinks / full fat milk / cream etc calories where she can .

    Lung cancer is a cruel hirrid disease and I feel still has stigma surronding it as everyone assumes you must smoke if you have lung cancer ! 

    Michelle x