Sorry to ask but….

I had a sigmoidoscopy last November and apart from diverticulosis nothing else was found. So if my fit test came back abnormal does it mean that the blood is from higher up in the colon? Is that a bad sign?

  • Hello there again

    I can see that receiving an abnormal bowel screening FIT test is really playing on your mind but as I said on the other thread try not to dwell on this for now.

    It is reassuring to hear you had a colonoscopy last year that was clear apart from the diverticulits, which I am aware can be debilitating in itself.

    The FIT test as I said before checks for a certain level of blood in the stools but i'm afraid cannot pin point the exact location. The next step for you is to have another colonoscopy and see what that shows, some people with diverticulitis do experience bleeding so it maybe as simple as this so hopefully you will have more answers soon.

    Take care of yourself and I wish you all the best
