Sorry been so quiet - surgery very soon!

Hi all,

Sorry I've been so quiet of late.  Doesn't seem like that long ago I was on here but it really was.

The main update is genetic testing came back positive for a mutation on BRCA2.  So I've had to break that to my family.  First time in my life I've hated being an identical twin :-(

Other main update is surgery is next Thursday.  Mastectomy with reconstruction.  No time left on the theatre list to change it to a bilateral and I can't delay on the left one so still a case of this op now and the other breast next year.  Although now we know it's genetic I might get my ovaries and fallopian tubes removed then have the other breast done, since ovarian cancer can't be screened for.

I bit my lip and stuck out the T part of FEC-T even though each round caused me more problems, but it's all over now.  Still, for so long I couldn't even sit up without getting dizzy then blacking out so I wasn't online very much and certainly wasn't managing to type really.  At least it has shrunk the lump a bit, although haven't had a scan to confirm the new size.

I had 5 good days between the last two chemos and busied myself baking cakes to freeze for my MacMillan bale sale (since it was going to be 1 day after last chemo).  Made 12 cakes in the end, not bad for someone who hasn't baked since they were 12 :-D  Even made two vegan cakes and vegan marshmallows to bribe my new colleagues along.  Had a great afternoon even though I was really rough either side of the event, and raised £984 for MacMillan.  I went downhill again very quickly afterwards.

Then I spend numerous days arguing with Aviva about my Critical Illness inserance claim.  They eventually paid out so we booked a much needed short trip away to Italy between last chemo and surgery.  I still needed crutches to walk but it was worth it and I stubbornly made the climb from Brunate up to Faro Voltiano (the most useless lighthouse on the planet but with a gorgeous spiral staircase).  I was getting some funny looks, it was a roasting hot day and here's me doing a 1.27km climb up narrow cobbled paths on crutches.  Given the steep gradient most people have to stop regularly as it is.  Took me forever but was so worth it and I felt a real sense of achievement, silly I know.

So that's pretty much it.  I'm happy and life is going well, cancer aside obviously.

Hope everyone is good.


  • LJ you're an amazing lady! Glad to hear you're fighting so hard and still achieving stuff! 

    I'm now post RT 3 months and fighting rib pain, they're going to scan me to check it's not anything horrible! 

    My answer to help the pain was go climbing and stretch my muscles! My surgeon just looked at me and laughed and did not tell me off!

    Keep in contact.

    WQ xx

  • Gosh, the BRCA test must have been a shock.  My specialist suggested getting tested for it too as with my diagnosis it’s starting to look like a definite pattern in the family rather than just bad luck. I haven’t been tested yet (was also waiting on a critical illness payout and didn’t want to jeopardise that...). Now I’m wondering what the ramifications of getting tested are for the remaining part of my life insurance plus ongoing medical insurance. Such a can of worms. 

    I’m glad Aviva paid out and you had a trip away.

    Good luck with your op, another step in the right direction!


  • Sorry you're in pain, but I'm loving your solution! :D  Really hope it comes back clear and it's just one of 'these things' that will fade soon.

    Thanks for the compliments.  Don't feel like I'm amazing, just don't see any benefit in wallowing, especially when there's still a good chance this will take me, I might as well enjoy the life I have.


  • Hi Mrsfingers,

    My gut always told me my mum's cancer was genetic, but since they wouldn't test there was nothing we could do.  I just used my own cancer to push getting tested, but the result wasn't a surprise, even though I still hoped somehow I was wrong.  My testing started at the same time I first submitted my claim.  I don't believe it affects it as all since all that matters is that you told them the truth when you took out the insurance (and you didn't know back then).  If they had queried mine I'm sure my doctors would happily have confirmed that no-one was going to test just on the basis of my mum having it, after all, my gut that it was genetic doesn't count when filling out an insurance application.

    I cannot see that it affects my existing life insurance but obviously it will affect any new insurance I try to take out so I will stick with what I've got and never let it lapse!

    I have read recently about people being ripped off with travel insurance due to having had cancer a long time ago and even having been clear for 10 years etc.  I will choose to travel with my travel insurance (which is through my bank account) just excluding cancer, after all, if I'm on holiday there is nothing that can happen with my cancer that will actually be of any relevance to my ability to carry on with the holiday.  It's kind of crazy what insurance companies think.  I mean my lump could continue to grow while I'm on holiday but when I'm away for a fortnight maximum it's not going to do anything that I'd even be aware of.  So the thought that I would suddenly need medical care or need to cut the holiday short and lose the money is just absurd.

    I hope yours comes through very soon.  I have written to the British Association of Insurers querying the scamming of cancer sufferers as frankly a lot of their insurance quotes really are an attempt to scam us.


  • Hi,

    Wow - you've been busy!! 

    Well done on the fund-raising, getting through the treatment and the trip to Italy. 

    I've found that shopping around for travel insurance really pays - one company wanted to charge me ten times the one I last used for lower coverage of fewer conditions. We're all different, despite the generic cancer patient label, our premiums should reflect the level of risk to us as individuals. 

    Good luck for the surgery :-)


  • Thanks Davek.

    Just realised I wrote "bale sale".  Now that really would have made for a fascinating afternoon :D

    Hope you're well.


  • Big bales or square bales? lol 

    I'm doing OK thanks :-)