So very scared

Hi - I have already posted about my bowel cancer scare, and am now waiting to have my colonoscopy in 3 days’ time. As I suffer with anxiety, overthinking, etc - I feel that I am going mad. I keep thinking back to all the symptoms over the past year or so that I attributed to my long-standing IBS, and worrying that they were actually warning signs of bowel cancer (narrow stools, incomplete evacuation). I was reassured when my regular bowel screening check came back normal. But my FIT test showed “large amounts” of occult blood. I keep thinking about someone I know who had no symptoms until she went to A&E with suspected appendicitis - turned out it was a malignant bowel tumour, which had already metastasised to her liver. She died within a year. 

How do I deal with this overwhelming anxiety? I know that no one can tell me what the colonoscopy will find, but I don’t know how to stop myself feeling sure that I too will be dead within a year. I’m 72, so that doesn’t seem far-fetched. 

My GP told me that with my FIT numbers (265) the chances of it being bowel cancer go up to 20%. My husband keeps pointing out that that means an 80% chance that it’s not cancer. But I can only seem to fixate on the worst-case scenario. 

I know there are lots of people here who have gone through similar experiences. How did you get through? I know that after the colonoscopy I’ll have to wait for biopsy results on whatever they find. I can’t imagine another week or two of this overwhelming anxiety. 

  • Hi Roxanna 

    I totally empathise with your situation.  What is the source of your anxiety?

    is it the fear of having cancer?

    - then prepare yourself for the worse scenarios -get your body fit for any kind of possible treatment..

    Is it the fear of the treatment? 
    - there will be side effects but at the end of the day you want to fight the disease and be cancer free. 

    -it's your subconscious mind that's telling you all these. You need to train your mind push away the bad experiences..

    check this below see if it will help .. keep me posted. Will keep you in my prayers



  • Thank you so much, Kerry. It’s the fear of having cancer - and my mind immediately jumps to the worst case scenario: that I will have advanced, untreatable cancer, and will die very soon. So it’s ultimately fear of death. I recognise that this is catastrophic thinking - I just have trouble controlling it and taking one step at a time. Thank you for the link - it looks interesting and helpful, and I will check it out. Thanks again for your support. x

  • Hi, am interested to know what your results were? I am worried sick and having similar issues. Thanks 

  • Hi -

    Not cancer. They found 3 large diverticula, which had been bleeding, plus two very small pplyps, which were biopsied - nothing found. If you're worried, please see your doctor and don't be afraid of having a colonoscopy. At least you will know what you're dealing with and will be able to move forward. Good luck. xx

  • Thank you so much. And I am so pleased for you! What a relief! I am so worried still. Am off work today. Can I just ask was your blood with every bowel movement ? As the bleeding seems to have stopped now, it's just the bad abdominal pains and diarrhoea, with pain inside my bum and pains in my sides. I also feel sick almost 24/7. I have had blood tests today am just waiting on the results :-( did your blood test show anything? My poop is much lighter in colour too so I'm worried I've got liver or pancreatic C!!!! :-(  I hope that whatever I have it is treatable. Stories like yours gives me hope so thank you so much for responding x

  • Hi again -

    So sorry that you're going through this, but it's good that you're having blood tests. That was the first step with me too. At first, when my symptoms were the worst, the blood tests showed inflammation and infection. That seemed to settle down after a while, but the pain came back (though not as bad), so the stool test was ordered. I only saw blood in one bm, and that wasn't the one that was sent for analysis - there was no visible blood in that. What they are looking for is "occult" (hidden) blood. My stools were (and still are, to an extent) light-coloured too; my doctor said that was usually a sign of infection. The blood tests will give you more information, and hopefully you will be referred for further tests so you can find out what's causing your symptoms. Your symptoms are fairly typical of IBS and diverticular disease. Please resist the urge to Google your symptoms - you will always end up focusing on the worst-case scenario, which is a form of self-torture I'm all too familiar with. Almost everything is treatable nowadays, and you are doing the right thing by having investigations done. Good luck! xx.

  • Thank you so much! You've really boosted me so fingers crossed all ok when I get my results. Good luck to you too!! I hope you get some treatment and you feel better soon  Xx

  • Hi, I just wanted to say that I had several months of IBS style symptoms, yellow stools along with nausea plus enlarged lymph nodes - which led to a quickly scheduled colonscopy and many blood tests back in September. Even the consultants seemed convinced I had colon cancer but the good news was that I didn't; just a few polyps and obviously some kind of unexplained virus or infection. So I'm crossing my fingers for you too - even when you appear to have all the symptoms it doesn't mean it's cancer.  x

  • Awww thank you so much! That's really lifted me! I get my blood results tomorrow so fingers crossed! Can I ask what your symptoms were? The weird thing is I haven't got any bleeding now, and each time I had it was when I was passing a larger stool, and it hurt to come out which always led me to believe the bleeding was down to haemorrhoids, but maybe it could be polyps that are bleeding.... I don't know. I also seem to have lost my appetite these last couple of days.....and I'm usually a total scoffer!! I just want to feel well again. Fed up of feeling scared and convincing myself of the worst all the time :-( thank you for your reply hun! Xx

  • Thinking of you today. Let me know how you get on.  

    In answer, my appetite did definitely decrease and I had chronic diarrohea for several months (plus nausea on and off) for no apparent reason (they had ruled out every possible infection apparently).  I remember I couldn't even do a stool sample (eurgh!) because I had nothing solid.