so scared about chemo starting soon!

Hi was diagnosed with ductal breast cancer at the end of oct and had an op on the 6th nov! I could cope with that but its the next stage being chemo that petrifies me! So so many side effects that am not sure i will cope! Is it as horrible as i have read about? Have 3 grandchildren whom i love and will i still be able to play with them and go out with them? I can't work for six months as i deal with the public and am told i could catch an infection! Its all too much! Why me? Sorry for ranting am not normally like this! X

  • Hiya
    Please don't try to worry too much.  I finished my last chemo last Thursday and it's really not as bad as you think.  I won't prentend it's easy because it's not but I expected to be dying in bed after my 1st lot but I wasn't. I have managed to work part time in between each session (chemo Thursday, off Thurs/Fri and following week then back) it has done me a world of good just feeling as normal as I can.  I start radiotherapy 10/12/15 and hope to work around that too.  I am lucky working in a finance office for an organisation that supplies educational resources so I do not need to come into direct contact with anyone other than my colleagues. I have 1 beautiful 2 year old grandaughter who I have not kept away from at all even though she came back from a Mediterranean cruise having been exposed to chickenpox (she didn't get it) anf her dad (my son in law) has just recovered from shingles.  She is the one thing that has kept me going in all this, I'm just her Mamma, she doesn't know I've been poorly, she is my world and no-one can tell me not to see her.

    Having said that, I haven't taken her to local play groups like I would have done previously, but otherwise I've taken my responsiblity as a grandma business as usual!!!

    The side effects afedct everyone differently.  I haven't been sick at all but felt it with the 1st 3 doses, I have been very tired and my legs and hips feel like lead with the last 3.  I used the cold cap so still have some hair - it's not exactly my crowning glory but I'm not bald and can get away with wearing a scarf like a headband.

    As for why you? Why indeed, I have asked myself so many times but then I think rather me than my 2 daughters or my grandaughter then I just get another glass of wine lol! 2015 has been a bit of a write off as far as I'm concerned, my radiotherapy starts 10/12/15 so should be done by the end of December. Roll on 2016!!

    Hang on in there, it helps to rant on this website, we're all in this together even though you may feel very alone at times like me.  My so called best friend has been unable to talk to me since my diagnosis way back in April and that hurt alot but hey, onwards and upwards now.  It doesn't seem 2 minutes since I learned I had the dreaded c-word but the end of my treatment is in sight now, it's gone really fast looking back.

    Take care and good luck, I'm sure you will be fine (says me who was led into my 1st chemo weeping in fear!!!)

    Tracey xx




  • Hi chrissylemon;

    "Why me" is the first question that comes to everyone's mind caught in this condition. Most of the time this issue "that's life" also has no other answer. But i also think that you are lucky, because your disease is early stage. As i understand you did not take neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and you have had a good surgery.

    Of course you may have some difficulties with chemo, but after each challenge has a certain ease. Today there are very good nausea drugs. Also very effective drugs against neutropenia available.

    Maybe you'll have a much better time with your children. You can find the time to deal with your hobby. Exercise and hiking is very important and makes you feel good...

    After six months the treatment will be completed and you will probably be completely free from this disease.

    Maybe one day in the future, you thought it was one of the best things that ever happened in this case..

    Warm regards.

  • Hi sorry u going through this sounds as if they sorted you out quickly i felt same as you scared of the unknown only what I'd read know everyone is different n how it will effect you some say doesn't hit you till you're 2/3 or even 4 th session I had my first chemo yesterday at Christie's the nurses lovely explain everything was a very long and tiring day but got through it 1 down 5 to go -:) 

    feeling pretty  good today ( even been told today I've never looked healthier lol ) know I'll get some symptoms but take each day as it comes as I'm sure u will with help of friends n family you need them keep u sane I've been off work for 4 months already due to the opperation i had and like you work with the public so no work till all done ( first christmas of since i started work so gonna make the most of it lol )hope everything goes OK for you n rant away best place on here as loads of people 2 listen n advice x 

  • Hi,understand exactly how you are feeling,it's the Unknown,l has my opp before Christmas last year,was dreading the chemo,you hear so many stories,

    It's not plesent that's for sure,but the staff were wonderful explain everything ,things that could happen( very frightening)think I lost it at that point thinking the worst,broke down in tears,but they have to tell you all that information ,thankfully it wasn't quiet as bad as I had built myself up for,I took the pills to stop you feeling sick every day,glad to say I wasn't sick once,I found if I stayed in bed with a cup of tea for half an hour or so after taking the pills I felt OK.

    I have six grandchildren ,they kept me going,none of them knew I had cancer,didn't want to worry them,I managed to keep cheery while they were around,you will feel tired and sleep a lot in the day,just go with it your body is telling you something ,just listen to it,before you know it it will be your last dose,,good luck try to focus on the fact your being treated ,and all will be well.

  • Thank u all for your kind thoughts! Its made me feel better and if u can all do it then so can i! Had a boozy wine evening with girlfriends last nite who want to help so feel v lucky! I know my first session will be before xmas and just hope it won't ruin it for everybody! Hugs and kisses to all xx 

  • I finished my chemo a year ago, then had a lumpectomy and radiotherapy.  I have just finished my course of herceptin.   It isnt as bad as you think, just take things a day at a time and focus on next week.  I took the sickness tablets as a precaution before i went to bed as nothing than waking up in the middle of the night feeling as i did after session 1.  Your immune system is at its lowest the week after chemo so just be careful of who you are near during those days.  I also ate as though i was pregnant and kept away from soft cheeses, pate, eggs etc.  I was worked throughout my treatment as and when i could just to,give me a sense of normality.

    Good luck with the chemo.... You will get through it, keep strong and positive.    Look after yourself x




  • Thank u for replying! I am going to try and remain positive! I seem to have good and bad days! But it is helping me so so much talking to u all! Would be amazing one day to meet up and raise a glass to us!!! Xxxxxxxx

  • Hello, sorry to hear what you are going through. I was diagnosed with ducta breast cancer in September, I will be having round three on Wednesday. It really isn't as bad as I was expecting. After the first round I was quite sick for a couple of days but they gave me a stronger antisickness medication on my second round and it made a massive difference so do talk to the nurses about how you have been feeling. I have still been able to function and do the things I need to do, if just a little slower on some days due to feeling tired. Yes you need to be careful so as not to pick up infections but I have two daughters who are 4 and 6 and I'm still able to take them to school and help out with some pta events. Chemo effects people in different ways and it can be so hard reading about all the side effects and worrying about the unknown but like I say personally I haven't found it too bad, just a few sickie days and a horrid taste in my mouth.  Try and stay positive, take a day at a time and I hope it all goes well for you. X