So scared


So frightened at the mo. Had my first breast screening aged 50 on friday and afterwards the mammogramist asked when I'd be going on holiday,  so she could put this on my notes. I asked if this was a normal question and she got defensive and said even if she saw something she couldn't say.

Absolutely beside myself with worry and can only imagine she wanted to know if I was away as she'd seen something on the x-ray and knew I needed to be called back.

Has anyone had a similar experience.... can't eat or sleep with worry 

  • Hello Essex.lady,

    Thank you for posting. I see that you are worried about some symptoms you have. The best thing to do is follow up with the clinic about your concerns.  When you are worried that you may have cancer, it can be tempting to look for answers on an online forum, but this can end up increasing anxiety rather than making you feel better. And the only person that can advise and diagnose you is your doctor.  

    I hope this is helpful,

    Moderator Anastasia