So scared

Hi I am hoping if I share my experience I might feel a bit better and gain some info te what to expect ! 
So I had been having intermittent sharp pain in my left breast - I am 56 and had a total hysterectomy 3 yrs ago - I have also had flushes returning all for approx three months but tbh I have such I busy life it could have been longer ! Anyway I had started to notice it more couldn't feel any lumps but went to docs last Thursday and she found a lump in the other breast ! Referred me to breast clinic - I spent all day Friday thinking I would get a call ? Do they call or write ? Was told I would be seen within two weeks - I'm so scared - I lost my husband two years ago so feel very alone and I have a 15 yr old daughter with learning difficulties I'm terrified for her future - I took Friday off as I couldn't concentrate and just kept crying convinced myself it's the big C - dies anyone know how long it takes to hear when the appointment will be and if it's letter or telephone? Thanks for listening

  • Hi Daisymeg,

    i noticed a small dent in my breast about a month ago and went to my GP just over a week ago. She made a urgent referral to a one stop clinic which phoned me a week later with an appointment for 10/12/21.  The waiting is horrible but atleast I have a date - I’m in N Ireland.  I hope you get your appointment soon too xx

  • Hi Lolak I agree the wait is horrendous I'm literally climbing the walls ! All day my daughter who is highly anxious has been concerned about our dog who was ill recently she kept going in about how she hoped nothing was going to happen to her and inside my heart was breaking thinking it might be me not the dog !  I know statically it's women my age who get it and not likely to be a cyst post menopause! Keeping everything crossed for you too Lolak x

  • Hello there Daisymeg,

    I understand the fear totally. But you don't know anything yet do you? And it may well be something less worrisome than you thought mightn't it? The not knowing is terrible though isn't it, and I have to admit that nothing really helps me when I'm waiting except, occasionally, distraction.

    If you are still feeling really anxious tomorrow I would suggest you ring and pester. You are really important! You matter! If you want to ring and tell them exactly how you are feeling, and ask exactly those questions that you have asked here then you must do just that. Because you matter!

    Please don't feel alone. I have known many people who have had scares like this and it often turns out fine.

    It helps me to try to remember that the fear itself can't hurt me. It's just fear, and awful, but I often find it helps to ask myself if the fear I'm feeling is based on actual fact? My own mind often jumps straight to dreadful scenarios which really aren't real, and I have to notice that and talk myself down. It isn't easy, but holding fire on the panic until I know the full picture is usually the way I get myself through.

    I hope this helps a little.

    Don't be afraid to ask your medical team. They are there to help, and on your side.

    I hope you're planning a few enjoyable distractions in the next few days.

    Huge hugs,



    Ps. Do let us know how you go. There are many fabulously supportive people on here who will be thinking of you, and wishing you well.

  • Thanks so much for your kind words Mary and yes of course i will keep you all posted! Think i will call them tomorrow! A lot of my anxieties stem from losing my husband 2yrs ago it was sudden and ive not really dealt with that and this seems like another blow! im going to try and work this week - i have a highly stressful job but im going to have to be diciplined and accept that im not going to be able to perform how i usually do as well as leave on time!!!