So much waiting

My mum has been suffering with constipation and some pain for a few weeks now.The GP referred her to the hospital to check for bowel cancer, because of her age combined with symptoms. Bloods and blood pressure normal, no blood in stools, nothing felt/seen during examinations - I know all this can mean nothing though.

She was referred to the hospital and then for a colonscopy which couldn't be completed because of a narrow bowel. They struggled even with the kids camera, though didn't see anything of concern from what they were able to view. She's now waiting for a CT colonscopy but we're still waiting for a date. 

Is it normal to be waiting so long to find out what's going on? Two weeks here, two weeks there soon adds up. I've known people referred for potential breast cancer and have an outcome within 2 weeks of an initial GP visit so this just seems crazy to me. I thought if cancer was a possibility everything would happen really fast. I've started making enquiries about private scans because the waiting is just so horrendous it's making me ill, nevermind my Mum who is still suffering and no closer to any diagnosis. It is impossible to carry on as normal at the moment and life just feels like it's on hold.

  • Hi there, yes this is normal procedure and it does drag on.  I had an urgent referral in January and didn't have my scan until May, then six weeks before results came through.  You just have to hope for the best and realise that up to now nothing has shown up.  Good luck with the future.  Carol