So much uncertainty

I was diagnosed with lung cancer in late January following a CT scan to investiage a joint issue - I had no symptoms other than pain in my collar bone and shoulder. Initially I was told the Cancer was stage 2 and they did not think it was affecting lymph nodes. Four weeks ago I underwent a Lobectomy on my upper left lobe at a hospital in Liverpool who were amazing.   The surgeon told me tumour was significantly larger thean they had first thought and he had removed some suspicious lymph nodes. At that time he told myself and my husband he was staging my tunour as Stage 3a but ha managed to save the lower left lobe and that he had take a good margin around the tuour. He told me it was likely I would need chemo and possibly radiotherapy.  The biopsy confirmed one lymph node was involved.  Fast forward a few weeks on and I am seeing my local consulatant who has told me he thinks I am healing well, confirmed thet ahd removed a 'small' tumour and that one of my lymph nodes was affected.  He was unclear about whether I would be having chemo but has referred me to an oncologist.  I feel baffled.  Is it usual for people to tell you so many differen things?