So Confused ...

In 2017 I was diagnosed with a rectal tumour and lung nodule the rectal tumour was removed and I had a ileostomy bag for about 8 months. I had oral chemotherapy and everything was going well. Once I had recovered they told me that they had to deal with the lung nodule this was late 2018 . This year I had a wedge resection and lobectomy and this was followed by intravenous chemotherapy. Again I recovered very well and was feeling great , when they asked me to go for a PET scan . Disaster struck again and they told me that the cancer had come back in my chest lymph nodes and in my colon. They would give me radical chemo radiotherapy. After this they would put me on palliative care if it didn't work. 
So the colorectal team ordered an sigmoidoscopy and an MRI scan , these came back all clear including the histology.
The respiratory team ordered an EBUS procedure and yesterday I was told that the histology contained no cancer cells. 
I'm now so confused as they're still planning for me to start radical chemo radiotherapy next week, they said it was to ensure that the treatment would remove any cancer but all the tests have come back negative. What are they not telling me ???

  • Hi James,

    There’s nothing they’re not telling you, they’re just being cautious. 

    In your position, I’d ask whether the planned treatment is necessary. Their answer will probably be that they want to kill off any stray cancer cells in your bloodstream or lymphatic system which are too small to show up on a scan, but I’m only guessing bssed on my own experience.

    This all sounds like good news to me :-)


