Smear test

Hi bit of back ground in 2012 I had my first smear few week after having my middle child it come back as cin 1 borderline changes hpv positive had to go have the hole colcopsy thing gyno said no treatment needed will go back to normal had smears every 3 years after that all ok I'm due one now had to reminder invites called my gp to book thay stated no can not be done yet as to be 3 years to the exact date of your last one last one was November 12 2018 as any one had that been said that lab will reject it if have bfore bang on 3 years from last one just wana get it over and done with so worried this one will be bad news to

  • Hi and thanks for the post

    Some labs are very particular with the date of the smear and have been known to reject a smear, so waiting another 10 days most probably is wise as it's also not long in terms of making any difference to a result.

    I can appreciate you would like it over and done with, but best to wait when you know it will definitely be processed.

    Abnormal cells are not cancer and it would take about 10 yrs of untreated cells for it to become a problem - the screening programme is all about prevention and so it's good that you have been up to date with all your smears. It is frustrating but make the appointment now and at least it's done.

    All the best


  • Hi can u advice me I had a bowel camera test of all of the bowel can u tell me if a bowel cancer had gone through the bowel wall wud this be seen with the cancer test all so a bowel blockage 

  • Hello Amanda,

    I see that you have had many responses about this from the nurse team in previous posts.  So we do feel that there is nothing more we can say except that if you have any concerns about your health that you should go and speak with your GP.  

    I hope you will be okay.

    Take care,
