Small patch of lung cancer.

Hello first post here it goes,

So my grandad wad diagnosed with lung cancer and I have so many questions unanswered so far I'm wondering if anyone can help me.

  I was told by the nurse it was only a small patch and he's having a pet scan tommorow and I'll be honest I really don't know how to preapre myself for results. Am i being stupid or nievve in thinking because  it's a small patch it's not going to be that bad of an outcome?

My grandad is the closest thing I have to a father and what with him being the age he is itll be on me naturally to be taking everything in the consultant says and putting on a brave face to him and my nan!


I guess I'm just trying to educate and mentally preapre myself on what is to come, 


When the nurse said small patch on lung I'm seeing that as a more positive then negative? Or doesnt this not l matter when cancer is involved.


If anyone could give me some advice I'd really be grateful.


Charlie x

  • Welcome to Cancer Chat Charlie although I'm sorry to read that your grandad has been diagnosed with lung cancer.

    I'm sure some of our members who have had experience of lung cancer will pop by when they can to offer their advice but your grandad's medical team will be in the best position to answer your questions about what the patch may indicate. If you have your grandad's permission do try and have a chat with them when you can so you can get everything answered. 

    We do have a section on our website about lung cancer just here if you'd like to have a look but do feel free to give our cancer nurses a call on Monday if you'd like to chat to them about your grandad's situation. Their lines are open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m on 0808 800 4040.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator