Small cell lung cancer stage 4


My dad has small cell lung cancer stage 4 :(

He has started chemo/immunotherapy this week, we know it's incurable but I am worrying myself sick that he isn't going to last long :(

I've just found out I'm pregnant and I'm terrified!

I've already lost my son and now my dad is so sick, has anyone got any experience with this type of cancer?

So sorry for asking but I'm trying to find some hope :(

  • Hi Miley,

    I found out I June my dad has stage 4 lung cancer- and its absolutely hurrendous the fear and panic you feel.  I scrolled down every screen searching for hope, and often nothing online gave me it.

    He has chemo and immunatherapy every 3 weeks . It's realy hard because it's so powerful on his body some days hes like my old dad and many days hes tired and because its spread to his bones, less mobility makes him very upset. 

    1st scan showed the tumour had shrunk significantly. Great hope and them are the days you feel you can breathe. Many days it consumes you. Its been 4 months now he's still here, I can ring him up, cuddle him and tell him I love him and I have good support. I have a 2 year old so it's hard juggling things. 

    My advice to you,is do not panic too soon. There is great help out there and with positivity and strength you will have many days with your dad. Time does help. But it doasnt take away the heartbreak. You are allowed to cry and need support. BUT You will find strength.

    Sending lots of hope to you. You will be OK.



  • Hi my has has extensive sclc and was diagnosed in at the start of December 2020. He is still here with us today. He finished his chemo and continued immuno every 3 weeks but was a bit much for him and he now does it 4 weekly. He is mobile and himself most of the time and is quite happy. I was so stressed with the diagnosis but things have settled and I still get worked up from time to time but most of the time we are fine. I hope this eases your mind knowing my dad is still here 11 months later still living his same life except he retired a year early!