Small Cell Lung Cancer

Hi All,

Finally Found A Tread With My Cancer On,

Was Diagnosed September Gone,

Have Just Done my 4th Chemotherapy out of 6,

Have To say I have had no major issue with chemo so far,thank God,praying this continues,

I don't know what grade I'm at, too be honest I didn't ask any questions as I'm afraid of the Answers,

My biggest problem is my mental health since been told and there doesn't seem to be much help out there for this,

I've had Ambulance call to me the panic Attacks get so bad, I live alone so I'm finding life very lonely,

2 more chemo's to go before the tests to see if the treatment even touched the cancer,

I'm so afraid, I would love to hear from anyone that is or has gone through what I'm going through please,

Thanks in Advance,


  • Hello Ange

    I noticed that you'd not had a reply to this post so just wanted to drop by and say that I'm glad to hear that you're coping well physically with your chemo.

    I'm sorry that you're struggling with anxiety and  your general mental health. It's natural to experience all sorts of emotions after being diagnosed with cancer and some people find that these can worsen during treatment. We've some information on our website here which I hope you might find helpful. 

    I don't know if you've spoken to anyone in the team looking after you about how you're feeling but it's worth telling your specialist nurse if you've not already. It's possible that there are services locally such as support groups that they are able to tell you about where you could connect with others who are in a similar situation. 

    You're also welcome to ring and speak to one of our nurses about how you're feeling. I'm sure that they will be able to offer some support and advice. They are available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I hope this helps. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator

  • Thank you so much Jenn,

    I'm going to counseling but not finding it great,I suppose this is a demon I have to fight myself,

    Starting to feel sick and tired after 4th chemo,but I'm just have to push through it and be greatful I got this far so well,

    Thanks again for reply, I'd be lost without this page,xx


  • Hi Ange, 

    Im so sorry to hear that youre suffering so badly. The mental health thing is normal. My dad had never had any sort of issues with anxiety/depression but after he was diagnosed with terminal cancer he had the most horrendous panic attacks and we too had the ambulance out for him because he thought he was about to die the panic was so severe. 

    I havent had cancer at all but Ive suffered with anxiety and depression in the past ( I have PTSD at the moment) and so I know roughly how you might be feeling with that side of things. I cant imagine how scared and alone you must feel though. You are doing so well, it shows how strong you are that you have come this far. 

    Im thinking you should give the counseling a chance. Ive just started counseling and Im sure its going to help me. You need someone to talk to, you cant hold it all in, its so hard and I just think having the counselor to talk to is a really good thing for you. Silly things help me, like pampering myself. Having a bubble bath, having my nails done, putting makeup on and a nice outfit. Just things that improve my confidence and make me more able to face the world but its more than mental health for you I know.

    I hope someone else comes along soon who can be much more help than me but just wanted to let you know that I saw your post and youre not alone. Weve all had experience of cancer and probably most of us have experienced mental health challenges as a result so please stay strong. I really hope youre feeling ok at this moment. 



  • Thank you miGi,

    Thanks for replying to me and your kind words,it's discracful that there is no help for us that's going through this tramitic cancer,have to see my oncologist tomorrow so you can imagine the state I'm in,

    Phicially I'm doing fine on my chemo,it's just the fear,panic Attacks and the constant Anxiety that's gripped me the past two weeks,it's just overwhelming me right now,hopefull I will get some answers tomorrow,

    Your in my thoughts


  • Hi Angie,

    When my dad was diagnosed they told us he had two months. I remember thinking at the time that when they give a diagnosis like that they should be sending the patient home with a few vallium at least because what a bombshell and how on earth do they expect you to cope with that kind of news? 

    To be told you have cancer must be one of the worst experiences that youll ever face and to be sent home without any support for anxiety is beyond me. AND totally irresponsible. 

    We did have a few episodes with dad completely freaking out he was petrified particularly the first few months (he went on to live 8 months in the end) it was horrible to see, he thought he was having a heart attack with his panic atacks and we didnt know if he was or wasnt, theres a lot of finding youre own way with cancer I think, its quite lonely and nobody seems to know anything. 

    I know that there are lots of things they can give you for anxiety though and if you are seeing the oncologist today please tell him how youre feeling and ask for something. My dad had Diazepam, sertraline, temazepam, all sorts and it did help BUT we really had to push for it, nothing was offered or given freely. 

    If you dont manage to ask today you can ring the hospital, see your GP and demand some help. 

    Talking helps too and we can chat to you here. Im so sorry youre going through this it really really sucks. 

    Sending you best wishes for today and a big virtual hug. 


  • Hi I was told in November I had couple of nodules and ones doubled in size in 6 months Iv had two diagnoses and treatments before but this scares me Iv got to wait another 3 months for ct scan to see if it's growing more I'm scared more this diagnosis as it's my lungs I'm so anxious and depressed waiting to now if it's also positive April feels a life time away I'm not coping very well this time around Iv lived nearly 10 years with my diagnosis's and held it together but I'm starting to fall apart