slightly enlarged prostate at 34

I'm 34, male and for more than 2 months now I've been experiencing some strange, vague symptoms which are actually hard to describe as there is no pain or anything severe physically.  

It's like a slight sensation of fullness with a very slight urge to pee which is more prominent at night and can disturb my sleep. I wake up around 3/4 am on and off for these 2 months with that slight sensation. Sometimes it makes me want to pee but most of the time I don't need to go so I don't, so it's not really that severe.

Occasionally I'll end up having an urge to pee and some days I have voided a bit more than other days despite not changing my drinking habits. 
I've never had pain or burning or straining when peeing and there's no pain whatsoever anywhere else.
I've had urianalysis samples done 4 times, all normal, tested my blood glucose level several times using home testing kits before/after meals and that's normal too. I then finally had a DRE and to my surprise, the doctor said it was slightly enlarged however it was very smooth and normal in that regard. It shocked me because I didn't expect someone my age to have this but the doctor wasn't overly concerned about it and said it's not abnormal and this can happen and it's nothing hugely to worry about. Nevertheless it's got me really anxious now. He gave me a PSA form so I'm going to go and get that done. I realise that prostate enlargement is a benign condition and there is no link to cancer but I don't know, I'm a little worried. Am I right in thinking that the smoothness and surface/texture of the prostate is more important than the actual size? 

He thinks that my symptoms are more likely due to a slight over-active bladder than anything else. 

I should also mention in relation to the enlarged prostate and a reason why possibly it could be in my case is that I have mas-bing on average once a day since I was around 13/14 years of age. Now that is quite alot of mas-bion and I know this has a connection with your prostate right? Is there any connection with prostate enlargement and m? 

  • Hi winglets. Welcome to the forum.

    I should start out by saying that apart from the nurses, no one here is medically qualified. This means that we're not able to make diagnoses, etc. Most of us are cancer survivors or carers for cancer patients. I am a prostate cancer survivor, having had a radical prostatectomy just over 7 years ago. I was 56 when diagnosed, and 64 now. 

    At 34 you are somewhat young to have prostate cancer. It would be incredibly rare for someone of your age to have it. I see that your GP has wisely arranged for a PSA test. This isn't specific for prostate cancer (any prostate problem can cause an increase) but it may give further clues about what's going on. I suspect that it will all turn out to have a benign cause. 

    I have to express my confusion over the term "mas-bion".  I think I know what you mean - a certain solitary activity enjoyed by most men ever since puberty was invented ;)  

    If I'm right and that's what you mean then I must say that once per day is a pretty average amount, and it's unlikely to have any significant effect on your prostate size. If it did, then most men would have swollen prostates in their 30s!  There is some research that suggests that masturbation may actually help in preventing prostate cancer. If that's the case, then it didn't work for me :(  However, the current medical thinking is that it's a completely harmless and fun activity. There is a recent report on the NHS choices website here. I hope this will set your mind at rest on this issue

  • Thank you for the response. I guess I just need to relax but I'm still feeling a little confused and in shock over the fact that I have this slightly enlarged prostate at my age. I know it's benign but it just feels very depressing having something that I should really be having 15 years from now.
  • Hello!! You need a PSA test but I think there is nothing to be worried about :)

  • Could it also be the case that I may just naturally have a larger than average prostate, as in born this way?  This is the first DRE I've ever had obv so I would have no way of knowing. I am big guy, 6"2, around 180 lbs so I don't know if that plays a part? You know bigger men generally have bigger assets on the whole I would say but would that include certain organs like the prostate?  

  • Also would you say that most men with enlarged prostate suffer ED (erectile dysfunction)?  

  • Hi winglets, 

    I can see you have a few questions playing on your mind so I just wanted to give you our nurses telephone number in case you wanted to chat to them about this. Their freephone number is 0808 800 4040 and are available Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m so do give them a call as it may help to discuss your thoughts with someone with a medical background.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi winglets

    I must emphasise that I'm not a doctor.  

    I am sure that there is a natural variation in prostate size among all men, so it is possible that your prostate size is natural for you. However, me saying that doesn't change your situation, which is that a possible problem has been found, and all the correct tests need to be done, and then the results analysed by a doctor.  I understand that you're looking for reassurance, but you really have to wait for the results to come in. Sorry.

    As far as I'm aware, an enlarged prostate doesn't automatically mean erectile dysfunction. If you keep yourself fit and healthy, don't overeat, watch your blood pressure, etc, then there's no reason to think that you'll get ED. 

  • Thanks for the information.

    Does anyone why do prostate issues, if you have them, flare up or become more evident when you’re in bed overnight? Is it something to do with being prone/lying down?

    The last few days now, I've woken up around 2am with a stronger urge to pee, however it's still not strong enough to actually make me go pee. Sometimes I'll fall back to sleep only to wake up again around 4-5am with that urge still present but again if I just lie in bed it sort of lessens and once I actually get up it's not really there. So it's literally just present when it wakes me up. Also I have this strange taste in my mouth for a short while. 

    My actual urination frequency is normal, that's volumes (about 2-2.5l a day) and number of times I'm going (4-5 times/day), it's just that at night time I keep waking up at these odd times even though I've made sure I didn't drink anything before bed.

  • Hi winglets.

    I remind you I'm not a doctor, but I have been where you are now.

    You may have an irritated bladder which is sending your brain these confusing signals. A simple home remedy that might help when you have these feelings is to bring your penis to erection. Don't go any further than this!  This might suppress the feelings and allow you to fall back to sleep more quickly. 

    If this isn't sufficient or it gets worse, then you might discuss this with your GP. There are some tablets that the doctor can give you for an irritated bladder. 

    Quite why this happens at night, I couldn't say. However, you're not the first person to have noticed this. Getting up in the night to have a pee is a common symptom for prostate problems.

  • Thanks for your reply.  I just got the result from my urine sample back and it was normal – no blood or bacteria found but this has done nothing to settle my nerves.

    If anything I feel even more nervous now. 

    My mind is consumed with thinking the worst, even though, the chances at my age are microscopic, think it’s like 1 in 10000 or something.  Even so, I just fear getting the result back from the PSA and it being a high number.  I hate waiting.