Skin Cancer

Hi, I was just wondering if anyone could help me or give me a little reassurance. I am a 19 year old girl, and I've been referred to a skin clinic due to changes to my skin e.g. New and existing moles etc. I've not got my appointment until later on today. My question is, because I have a few different mole changes to birth moles and new moles, Including moles darkening on one side, does this mean the cancer has spread across my skin/to other parts of my body? Or is there still a chance of treating it even though there's more than one change to my skin. 

  • Please don't worry. I have been referred to skin cancer clinics multiple times. Skin changes do not mean you have cancer. Your moles could be changing and still be benign or dysplastic. New moles are common in younger people especially. Changes do need to be checked out - cancer is possible but not the most likely outcome. I have had a lot of moles change over the years with several removed and found to be dysplastic. Have to do regular (monthly) checks and have yet another referral this month for multiple changing lesions. My first surgery (over 40 years ago) was at a younger age than you for changing moles - darkening on one side etc. The first one they took out was changing a lot but turned out to be benign. Since then I've had a lot of dysplastic moles which again had changed a lot (especially darkening on one side but also some changes in sensation). The 2WW letters that get sent out for urgent skin cancer referrals stating suspected skin cancer are scary. But you should not conclude you have cancer. There are other outcomes. Hope all goes well at your clinic this afternoon. Good luck!

  • Thank you so much for your response. This has made me feel a lot better, I have really bad anxiety so I tend to think the worst when it comes to my health. I have recently had a breast biopsy because they found a lesion, which came back as non cancerous, so I am really happy about that. I just can't help but think the worst because my symptoms match up to the skin cancer symptoms online, but now I feel reassured and a lot better, so thank you. I have higher hopes now  

  • The odds really are on your side. Really hoping all goes well this afternoon. At the clinic make sure the doctors tell you what changes you need to report in the future as well if they think these ones are okay and how best to monitor your moles. Part of the clinic function is to help educate people to take care of their moles especially when they have a lot that are changing. 

  • Hi,

    Sunscared has given you good advice. I just wanted to add that any new moles you may have will probably be fine - new moles can appear at any time & are only usually suspect if they occur after the age of 40. Your young age is also on your side as sun damage that causes skin cancer usually doesn't appear as a problem until later in life and 75% of patients that get referred to dermatology are given a clean bill of health.

    Skin cancer doesn't spread on the skin as moles to other parts of the body. It only spreads internally to organs, bones or nodes or sometimes shows as blue lumps under the skin (this is very rare and usually happens long after a melanoma diagnosis). 

    Good luck this afternoon and please let us know how you get on,

    Angie (melanoma patient)

  • Hi Angie, 


    Thank you so much for your reply, it is very much appreciated. I am on my way there now. Your advise is really reassuring.


    Thank you, 


  • Hi,


    i just wondered how you got on?


    im in the same situation as you, a mole that's changing and all symptoms same as online. Waiting for a letter with my appointment date, I'm 22


    hope everything is ok x



  • Hi Lucy, 


    The doctor was happy with the moles on my body, she told me to take a photo of my birth mole and keep track of any changes but other than this, she has booked me in for 6 months time for a check up rather than discharging me. It sounds like everything is fine.


    I think it is so easy to go online and search your symptoms but what I have learnt recently is that anything that you do search up regarding a change on your body, it always ends up saying that your symptoms are cancer or something really serious. I was so convinced after looking online for my skin symptoms that I had cancer, just like I was when I went to get my breast checked. They both came back as either nothing or benign. It's always best to go straight to your doctors instead of researching. 


    Hope this helps and I hope you're OK. 

  • Hi Courtney Thanks for your update on here. Really pleased all went well and to give you extra reassurance you have a follow-up in 6 months time. Take care x