
Hi my sister has stage 4 inoperable stomach cancer . U just can't cope , I know it's not about me at all . I'm struggling everyday to function I'm crying I can't cope with seeing her because it kills me to see her in pain . I feel like getting in my car and disappearing. She's young  and it's just not fair , how does everyone cope because I just hurt and feel angry every emotion I have. My poor beautiful sister it's just not fair 

  • Hi iloveukaz123,

    Welcome to Cancer Chat. I'm so sorry to hear about the situation with your sister - I can only imagine how incredibly difficult this must be.

    Cancer affects not just the individual but all those around them, so it's completely OK and understandable for you to feel this way - certainly don't feel bad for feeling like this.

    It's important for you to find outlets for these emotions if you can. Often the best thing for this is to reach out to others around you - for example other family and friends. Keep speaking to others where you can as it can help to ease things a little.

    We are of course also here for support on the forum whenever you need it. It can often be helpful simply to write things down, and to reach out to others who understand or who may be in similar situations.

    If ever you feel like you need additional support, please have a look at Macmillan and Maggie's - they both have various resources, as well as a helpline and other support available.

    Take things slowly and one day at a time, and keep looking after yourself too.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator