Sinus mass- Driving myself crazy


i cant sleep because I’m worrying, found this forum and wanted to vent. Hope that’s ok. I had a private mri scan on Monday, was told to see the gp after 48 hours when results would be in. He then handed me a cd with my images on. Of course, I have scrutinised them and I am so stressed about a mass I can see in my sinus. I’m having facial numbness, tingling and eye twitching on one side. They were checking for signs of ms but this mass was not something I was expecting to see. I’m not a dr, but anyone can see that this thing shouldn’t be there. I suppose, what I want to hear on here is that, it’s probably inflammation or polyps. Gah! I don’t know. I know it’s not long to wait in the scheme of things but my dad died from a glioblastoma and I can’t help my mind straying to thoughts of the c word. I know it’s not long to wait for results but it feels like forever!

Any reply welcome, even just a hello!
