
I'm due to go for a flexible Sigmoidoscopy in a couple of days - I've been given the option of sedation - not sure as I don't want to feel out of it - what does everyone recommend who've had this procedure?

Thanks in Advance

Granny J

  • Hello, I had a flexible sigmoidoscopy back in November. I wasn't offered sedation. It's definitely a little uncomfortable and something I don't wish to experience again, but honestly I'm glad I was able to leave straight away and straight back to normal activities. it's not a painful procedure just uncomfortable. It may sound like too much information but when they done it I instantly felt like I needed to empty my bowels, the surgeon doing the procedure actual out thought I was quite funny. But it was impossible to empty as I had to have an enema before hand so I was already clear. 
    hope this helps. Good luck and I hope all results come back good. Xx

  • I had a large polyp removed when found through a colonoscopy. When I had a follow up to look at healing I had the same procedure you're about to have. I had sedation for colonoscopy which I would advise, but for the other I had nothing. It wasn't bad & I say this as someone who has a low pain threshold. 

  • Thank you for your advice - I will think about what you've said if I desperately need the loo straight after

  • Apologies for disjointed messages everyone- I'm new to forums and replying etc. - Thank you for both your replies - thanks again for the advice and well wishes xx

  • Hello

    Not sure if you've had the sigmoidoscopy yet but I had mine today and promised myself after reading so many scary reviews beforehand that I would post after I'd had it done to help anyone that's worried. 

    Because of my personal history, anything in the general area of the camera is usually really traumatic. I didn't want to be fully sedated so just had entenox and my GP had given me a low dose of diazepam to take before I got to the hospital just to keep me calm. 

    The procedure itself took 5 minutes, the consultant told me beforehand what would happen and any sensations I might feel. I used the Entenox while I was having it done but that was more to keep me calm and gave me something to focus on, rather than it being painful. For me, the sensation of having a camera in me was the strangest part, but again, it wasn't painful. It also felt strange when the camera went round the bends on the way in and out but that was honestly over in seconds. I also felt what was like a mild period pain for about 30 seconds too but again that was over as soon as I noticed it. I even had a polyp removed during the procedure and didn't feel a thing when it was taken off. I wouldn't have known that had been done unless the nurse told me. 

    I really didn't think I was going to be able to have it done because I was so frightened but honestly it was over so quickly and was no where near as bad as I thought it would be and I didn't feel an urgency to go to the loo after or have any discomfort at all once it was done. I have a little bit of wind but that's it. 

    I don't want to undermine anyone who found their experience to be worse than mine, but I hope I can reassure at least one person that for me personally it wasn't as frightening as I thought it would be and the added bonus is they tell you straight away if they find anything so hopefully when you leave the procedure you'll know the outcome really quickly. 

    Good luck to anyone having the procedure soon. 



  • Hi 

    Thank you for posting this - I've now had my flexible Sigmoidoscopy - this is my story in the hope that this too helps others:-

    I had to have 2 x enemas (first one didn't work properly) so i had a practice run with the camera and then had to have 2nd enema and then 15 minutes later went back into theatre for final attempt - I was extremely nervous but all the staff were very reassuring and put me at ease - I had Gas and Air but only used on advice when the camera went around the bends - I was in the room for around 15 minutes and the experience wasn't painful at all - it was a little uncomfortable but it was ok - I had 4 biopsies taken which felt like a little pinch but again there was no pain - I think the worst part for me was afterwards with trapped air that they'd administered - I had quite a bit of pain which lasted a few hours, but I was fine afterwards 

    Anyone who has yet to have this done please don't worry and get yourselves into a nervous panic as I did - it's nothing to worry about x

  • Hi GrannyJ 

    so glad it went well for you, and you wasn't in any pain. When do you get your biopsy results? Did they give you much info on what they thought it could have been? Good luck x

  • Hi Mumma123

    The doctor couldn't see any visible signs of cancer - they asked if I'd been tested for gluten intolerance but I couldn't remember as it was quite a while since I had any blood tests- my GP has assumed that it was Diverticular disease but they couldn't see any signs of this with the camera - so it's a bit of a mystery  - and at the moment I'm in discomfort with swollen glands at the top of my leg - it was mentioned that micro organisms can cause this - biopsy results should be around 2 weeks so I'll report back when I receive them x