Should the doctors act more urgently?

Hello, my name is Tony, I'm a Finnish 16-year-old and I've been diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma, estimated stage 1 or 2 but there hasn't been an official statement yet.

I feel like the doctors aren't handling this as urgently as it would need to. After my biopsy, I had to wait for over two weeks for results. Then I had to wait to get an appointment at a bigger hospital (TAYS), which took a week. This morning, I got the appointment and it's on the 15th of August, and that appointment's only for the PET-CT scan. That means easily over two weeks of more waiting.

Are they not acting urgently or is this normal or am I just freaking out over nothing? I understand I have an "easy cancer", with high rates of survival, and it's not stage 4 or anything, but I can't help feeling it'll just keep spreading and I'll end up in a much worse condition if they don't hurry up.

Should I be worried or is this just useless fretting over little things?

  • Hi Tony,

    I'm not sure about the Finnish health system but the timescales you describe would be typical within the U.K. 

    That doesn't help I realise but almost everyone who goes through the cancer experience finds that the waiting around for treatment to begin is very frustrating. All the time we think "this thing is getting worse while all the doctors seem to do is have meetings and talk about my case - why don't they just do something quickly?"

    Your reaction is pretty normal and you are not freaking out over nothing. ALL cancer is scary - whatever the age of the patient or the type of cancer. 

    Good luck!
