Should I worry about my lymph nodes?

Hello, I went to my doctor about a few months ago regarding several swollen lumps on my neck.

Blood tests were clear, but the ultrasound found reactive lymph nodes. He suggested taking Reactine, which I believe did help as they went down a tiny bit. 

However, it has been a few months now and I still feel the lymph nodes. I don't know if they are still considered swollen. They are just under a centimeter in width. They aren't really visible, but can feel them. I don't know if I am overreacting or if I should book another appointment. My plan is to bring it up again at my physical in about half a year. Dr. Google is scaring me.

I have no other symptoms and am not aware of any reason for the swollen lymph nodes. I haven't seen any noticeable growth in them in the past several months.

Thank-you in advance for any advice :)


    Hi JA,

    I am not a doctor, but I understand that the time it takes for reactive lymph nodes to settle can vary considerably and, that some will remain swollen forever. It is good news that your blood tests were clear when your GP checked them.

    If you are still worried, it wouldn't do any harm to see your GP again, as it is hard not to overreact. We always advise people to steer clear of consulting 'Dr Google', as this will scare you out of your wits and serve no useful purpose. It sounds reassuring that you haven't seen any noticeable changes for many months, but for your own peace of mind have a chat with your GP.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx