Should I be worried

I had breast cancer in 2018 , and had a Mastectomy, some lymph nodes removed,  chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. I am on Anastrozole and also Levothyroxine. For the past week I have had lower back pain which is usually worst in the morning , also had a few days of headaches , feel ok apart from this, could this just be a side effect from the medications I am on , or should I be concerned?


    Hi Dawn,

    Welcome to our forum. I am sorry to hear about your new symptoms. How long have you been taking this medication for? If you have been taking it since 2018, I wouldn't expect it to suddenly cause side-effects now. However, I am not a medic. Do you have a telephone number for your cancer nurse? Phone her and see whether or not these symptoms are anything to do with your medication. If not, then contact your GP and see what s/he thinks.

    I do hope that you can find an answer to the cause of these symptoms. Please stay in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx