Shoes! (and post-chemo feet problems)

Nearly a year now since I finished a 6-month course of EC followed by Paclitaxel - and my feet don't work properly. They feel like they are strung up with old leather - fingers too, to a much lesser extent. But the feet...

It's an odd combination of the leather feeling and acheing. What with that and the effect on joints from Letrozole, I've got a bit cranky and unsteady. 

It has finally occurred to me that I should replace my old Reebok trainers with something similar - less worn, of course, but also which might help my leathery toes while still giving me good grip in the soles.

Anyone got any suggestions?

  • Hi Denique

    i too have chemo( and all the other cancer drugs)feet. 
    I suffer with constant pain in all my joints including feet. 
    I was given some sessions on the NHS with a podiatrist who advised no walking barefoot. To wear trainers/running shoes that have a a 1cm difference higher in the heal than the sole, and to wear them as soon as I got out of bed. He suggested that they didn't need to be expensive or designer to help with the pain. 
    it has helped with the pain on the out side of my foot which was unbearable to stand on. 
    but sadly not for my heel/achilles tendon which still causes me pain. 

    if your trainers are worn it might be worth buying a new pair with a 1cm difference between heel and sole. 

    You are after all, worth it!

    also ask for a referral from you GP just incase the podiatrist can help you further 
    Hope this helps  and good luck.