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Sex and intimacy advice

Hi first time posting.

My wife developed breast cancer and had a small lump removed September 2018 . She seems to be doing okay and has just last week started some counselling. Problem is we have really drifted apart. I appreciate the cancer and drugs she is taking affect her libido but I didn’t realise it would result in us not being intimate in any way. She is only 39 and I am 40 and really miss the intimacy and sex. I have tied t discuss is and she often just ignores it. I even asked her once if she misses making love and she said not really, which hurt a lot. Its been nearly 12 months since we had sex and don’t really even kiss. Am not sure if i want another year of the same.  I do love her and have to fantastic small children but I really don’t want a life without any sex or intimacy.

Any advice please and does the sex drive return after cancer


  • No words of advice here. 

    Cancer robs us of many things...and it isn't just the unfortunate souls who battling it. 

    It's such an awful situation for you to be in. So sorry that this happened to you all. 

    If your wife just will not engage with any discussion about sex and intimacy.....and if there really is no chance of repair.....i.e you are out of options......could you take the hit and remain in that marriage which doesn't satisfy your needs?

    I know myself that I could not. 

    You are deserving of happiness. 


  • Hi

    Don't often come across a post covering sex - so well done you. Its good that your wife has started counselling as it will help her work through her feelings, feelings which could be affecting how she feels about intimacy . The hormones we take can affect the libido, so don't know if your wife's libido will improve while taking hormorne meds. However, these meds should not stop each of you being affectionate towards each other but I would imagine with cancer and small children she may be overwhelmed.  Have you asked her how she feels? asked her how you can help her? do you go out together without the kids? what do you do to make her feel special/attractive? 

    Like all relationships, one gets what they put into it. Good luck 




  • Hi,

     While you don't deserve a sexless marriage, she didn't deserve cancer. Cancer changes us.  Hopefully things will improve for both of you and maybe you should consider some couseling. I hope you decide that she is worth staying with.

    Laura x

  • Hello Cloverface‍ and welcome to the forum. 

    I''m sorry to hear that your wife was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. Undoubtedly it's been a difficult time for you both, especially with having young children as well. I'm glad to hear that she's been seeking some support to help with everything that's happened over the past year. 

    You've raised a valid question in your post which is entirely reasonable to ask. Concerns about sex can be difficult for most people. When your partner is going through cancer treatment it can be even more difficult to know how to cope with issues around intimacy. We've some information on our website here which may be of help to you and I also wanted to suggest that you have a look at the Breast Cancer Now website. They cover this topic in much greater detail. I've linked it for you here
    If you'd like to talk to someone in confidence then you're welcome to call our team of nurses for some support and advice. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Do hope things work out for you both. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator