“ Severe” abnormal cells and hpv positive

Hi Everyone, 

litterally just joined here. 

So tonight i was blindsided and had a phone call that had me melting into a puddle of tears. 
rewind 10 days..... i went for a smear test and all went well, was told results will be back within 2 weeks and notified by post. 
Fast forward to today and had no letter as still 4 days to go and honestly i forgot all about it, ive had my smears every 3 years since age 20 so wasnt worried. Well... today i got a call and was the colosp department asking me to come in on thursday. At this point im confused as hell but i knew what that department was, in the end a nurse had to call me about my results because i hqdjt got them yet and that call kind off sent my head into a spin. Ling story short i have high grade "severe" cells and need a coloscopy on thursday and a biopsy. Im bricking it right now, i have cried until my eyes dried up and just feel lost. My mum had this also when she was around my age (30) but she isnt here anymore so cant even ask her advice. Can anyone help me through all this, yep im thinking the worst i wont lie, Cancer is a scary word and im petrified. I know my cells are not cancer yet just pre cancerous but 3 years ago my cells was PERFECTLY fine. What can happen in 3 years? And what can i expect on thursday? 

thank you for reading my long post and any replies i get in advance. 


  • Hi Amy


    Not going through the same thing as you (I've got a colonoscopy next Monday) but I do understand the fear. Obviously I'm not a medical professional but can only offer words of hopefully encouragement. A friend of mine, her friend had abnormal cells (not sure how severe they were) and had them removed, she goes for regular follow up tests and since then has been absolutely fine. This all happened just over a year ago now. They will probably go through with you their findings and talk about the next steps (ie having them removed of necessary) look I'm about the same age as you (29) and understand your fears. Try and avoid Google. It just messes with your head  keep strong if and where you can. It will soon be Thursday and hopefully you will have some answers. 


    All the best 

  • Hi MickyMouse, 


    Thank you. You have made me feel better and made me cry lol. I think im more emotional to the fact that id love to speak to my mum about thia as she went through it and with her not here i think its made it 100x worse. 
    What you said has helped and i hope everything with you goes well. 

    Thank you again! 

  • Morning you!!

    My goodness I completely understand how you would want your mum. I'm sure in her own way she is with you, just watching. I will be thinking of you Thursday and wishing the very best. Always here if you need a chat.


    Have a good day.