Sentinel node biopsy recovery

Hi I've just had results from lumpectomy and need to now have some more margin removed and a node biopsy. Can you tell me what the recovery is like is it longer than for just a lumpectomy ? I was back doing everything after a week except mucking out we have a horse but was back doing that after 2 weeks it's bad timing as my daughter has mocks so I wanted to be around to help to lessen her load doing everything each night does take time. 


Presuming driving ok ok after couple of days etc any experiences v welcome thank you and hello first post 




  • Hi, 

    i had my sentinel node biopsy at the same time as a mastectomy so can't differentiate between the two procedures, except that the edge of my scar nearer to the armpit was sore longer than the rest of it. I didn't drive for three weeks, but didn't have any problems moving my arm.  The driving ban was mostly because my children were being overprotective of me.

    I have since had the axillary nodes stripped four days ago, and that is sore! However,  I expect to be fine in a week or so.

    Good luck, you sound as though you will be fine, anyone who was back doing normal chores within a week sounds tough enough to sail through it.  


  • Ahh thank you that's what I'm hoping it's just bad timing, I'd actually quite like not to do much for a few weeks, X