Semi Conscious but thirsty HELP

My father has incurable Col9n cancer with liver and lung mets. He hasnt had any treatment as the disease was too far progressed at diagnosis . He has slowly deteriorated over the last couple of weeks , but over the last couple of days his deterioration seemed to accelerate  . He was taken to hospital as we suspected he had a UTI but it wasn't. He was discharged home to his care team with a diagnosis that his condition had progressed again.

He expressed a lot of delusional statements 4 days ago imagining people knocking on the door all day . He started to get out of bed and had falls and was imagining senerios that hadn't happened but on discharge was very chatty. The Ambulance crew put him into bed and he continued with the chatting,  he was so happy to see his family and was able to express this verbally to us all .

Later that same day he went into a semi conscious state and the palliative nurses fitted the syringe driver to administer his pain relief. He continues to sleep the majority of the time .  The only time he seems to be agitated is When he needs to have a wee and wakes about twice a day to use the toilet but I persuade him to use  his bottle due to his decline in mobility

He also asks for water quite a lot when awake, and nurses say he can have sips / oral sponges etc. He doesn't understand this at all. He hasn't ate for a long while now .


Has anyone had any experience like this with a loved one?

Care staff are coming in today for the first time  to assist with his personal care and nurses have left continence pads for him to wear moving forward , something I feel  will annoy him today. 

Can anyone shed any light on this as I'm at wits end as to what to do for the best for him . 

  • Hi Keey17,

    I'm sorry to hear of the situation with your father, I'm sure this must be incredibly difficult to see and to understand.

    Hopefully since posting you have had a chance to discuss this with the care staff or anyone else involved in your father's care. It's of course important that you understand as much as possible what is to be expected, so do keep talking to them.

    Also if you'd like to talk things through with one of our nurses, you are welcome to give them a call. You can reach them on freephone 0808 800 4040 - Monday-Friday, 9-5.

    Otherwise, if others here have similar experience to share then hopefully you'll get some more replies here soon.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator