Secondary lung cancer. How long left with no chemo?

Hi , my dad has been fighting secondary lung cancer for 6 years , the last year cancer has been winning there is now no more treatments to try .... when asked how long he had the doc replied with im surprised hes still here so count every day as a blessing ...hes 65 , down to 7 st , and in pain most of the time ....altho gets hisself about in a wheelchair when he wants he does tire easily ....can anyone offer any insight on how long he will have with no chemo ?? We have a brain scan tomoz as his confusion is getting worse 

  • Hi

    my sister alo didn't have chemo. She is extremely thin, has tumors all over her body in her eye, brain and breast.also lumps all over  her body. just a few months ago her tummy swelled massively and has had to have it drained a couple of times now. She wasn't for taking tablets due to vomiting and  nausea. Couldn't eat much nor drink . However a syringe drive has been fitted as her condition deteriorated With regards to pain and intake of food and then not wanting to socialise with anyone. However the syringe drive , which we were completely against,   has massively improved her situation .(Though we know she hasn't got long.) But to see her so comfortable and even having conversations, (now that she isn't as exhausted with the pain and sickness);  has been marvelous!   I could hardly bere  to see her suffer so in so much pain but now we are both benefiting. she told me this morning that there's very  little pain and no nauseas. Also has an appite . I Hope this testamony will encourage you .