Secondary liver cancer

Just started 2nd lot of chemo, had 4 cycles last year no problem, this time so ill it's incredible I just wanted it to end, and I mean life. So worried about going forward, what to do I have 3 options 

1, stop all treatment 

2, have a reduced dose

3, delay for a short period of time 

  • I'm really sorry that this 2nd round of chemo is proving to be rather difficult.

    I noticed you're trying to figure out your options going forward so I just wanted to give you our cancer nurses telephone number so you can talk this through with them. They're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very insightful and supportive so if you feel this will help, do give them a call when you can.

    Hopefully some of our members will offer their thoughts and advice to you soon as well.

    We'll have our fingers crossed things start to get better for you soon Resusman.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator


  • Hello, 

    I am secondary breast cancer to liver and bones. 

    Do hang on. Have sent you a friend request if you would like to chat. 


  • Hi

    I'm due to see the liver team in May as my primary breast cancer has spread to the liver!

    Would you mind me having a chat with you please?
