Secondary cancer

Hi, my name is Denise and my husband of 43 years was diagnosed with lung cancer last year. He had an operation, chemo and radiotherapy and thought it had all been successful However he started suffering headaches a couple of months ago and was diagnosed with secondary cancer to the brain. He has been told he cannot be cured and they cannot operate but are starting him on a treatment of pembrolizumab this week which he will have every three weeks. He has been on steroids to keep the brain swelling down but they are being decreased from 3 a day, to 2 a day and from tomorrow he will be on one a day for a week. He was also diagnosed two weeks ago with a massive blood clot on his lung for which he is injecting every day. I have noticed a severe change in his mood which I am led to believe is the reduction of the steroids. His behavour and mood are completely out of character. Has anyone else experienced this, if so, how long does it take to subside?

  • Hi Denise

                       My mum also has secondary brain cancer , her steroids were reduced to one a day slowly and her bad headaches started to come back , i contacted the lung specialist nurses and my mums steroids have now been increased again , hope that helps , thinking of you.

  • Hi [@Deesden]‍ and [@Lmw39]‍ 

    My Mum is also in this position. She was diagnosed with limited SCLC last June and a few weeks ago we found out it has spread to the brain - there was/is one large lesion there. She's just finished 5 intense whole brain radiotherapy sessions and it's really hard for me to watch. 

    She's on Dexemathasone steroids, 8mg a day. Her appetite is big - she's put on a lot of weight and can't stop eating. She's dreaming of food! She's also on a 'go slow', taking time to respond and zoning out a lot. Leaving things about and forgetting where she's put things. Very cold feet. Feeling hot and then cold but her temperature is fine. 

    She gets headaches now and again but these seem to subside with anadin. 

    Her behaviour goes from happy to irritable very quickly and now she just wants to sleep a lot. 

    I feel sick with anxiety constantly. This really is an awful disease to see our loved ones go through. 

    Please stay in touch x

  • Hi, my mum wasnt given the option of radiotherapy as there were to many lesions . She has just finished her fourth chemo session , the tumours have shrunk, they have reduced her dexemethasone to 4mg. Mum sleeps a lot and the steroids have made her muscles in the tops of her legs and arms very weak so mobility has become an issue. Her spirits are high and she is in no discomfort. Keep in touch