Secondary breast cancer worries

Im feeling so low today. Just spoke to my consultant and there are areas around my lungs and stomach that look suspicious and he said that i should be prepared for it to be cancer. But if it is it means its secondary. And its looking like it could be inflammatory breast cancer. Im just gutted and i know theres treatment to prolong my life but im scared. Ive told my mum and sister and they're upset too. Ive still got to talk to other family members but im really struggling to cope

  • Hi Amy,


    it is ok to be scared. You're going to have some real *** days but you are also going to have some great ones. My mum was recently diagnosed and it's been a struggle to come to terms with it and to watch her handle all the emotions it brings. I hope everything comes back clear but if it doesn't, it isn't the end!! You will still live your life, just a new normal for us. Sounds like you have a supportive family! And only tell people when you feel comfortable. Stay strong Amy. Sending positive vibes x

  • Hi

    sorry to hear your situation 

    can I ask your symptoms


    i have some redness around my areola right breast some redness on breast

    sore neck 

    sore armpit for last few weeks


    so worried 

  • Hi. Thanks for your message. Im sorry to hear about you and your mums situation. It feels so unreal and i would love for these suspicious areas to be nothing but my consultant has told me to be prepared. What upsets me more is that i then won't be curable. Im really lucky with my fsmily but i hate telling them about this. Its only my brother who ive got to tell now, im dreading it. But like you say, it doesn't mean the end. Ive got to hope treatment will work well. I really hope everything goes well for you both too

  • Hi. Yours could be an infection hopefuly. Mine started as a lump a few months ago, i stupidly didn't get it checked straightaway as i was too scared. About a month ago my breast then became swollen, painful, an inverted nipple with discharge. The thing that made me go in the end is when i found a dent in my breast.

    I know its easier said than done, but try not to stress and worry too much. There are loads of things yours could be apart from cancer. Have you spoke to a dr? 

  • Thank you Amy

    just so worrying 

    become obsessed with looking at myself in mirror 

    feeling for hotness 

    going to phone gp next week 

    what scans and tests have you had ?

  • To be honest, every case is different. The best thing you can do is contact your dr and they will tell you what happens next. Good luck and let me know how it goes

  • Hi Amy. I have only just logged back on to check on you. How are you doing Xx

  • Hi. Thankfully the suspicious areas turned out to be nothing, so they have said they're aiming to cure me. Such a relieve! Ive had my 1st round of chemo and its a struggle, but ive got to get through it. But, i had to have a covid test today, im now really scared about that. I get the results tomorrow. How are you? 

  • I am literally so relived for you. I cannot even begin to imagine what you must be going through! How was chemo, side effects? I hope you have got alot of support and people running around after you. I'm good, I think I mainly suffer with anxiety. Keep in touch, I can't wait for the day you post your all clear. Stay positive and strong! Am hear anytime. 

  • Hi. Sorry for the late reply. I was in a bit of a state yesterday waiting for the covid results (im a hypochondriac) and was waiting all day for them! Thankfully all ok. I suffer with anxiety too, so i can make things worse for myself. Ive had a little sickness, tired and headache the 1st few days. But the last few days have been tough! I had a really sore throat and was struggling to get tablets down. And i had terrible pain in my joints. I live with my mum so im lucky shes around for me a lot. Aww, i hope to be able to post im all clear one day too. It feels like my live is on hold. No work and i can't really go out. But, hopefully chemo will do its job then surgery then radiotherapy