Secondary breast cancer

Hi my mum has just been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer after having the all clear at the beffining of the year. Spread to lymph nodes under arm, a few in the chest area and a few in the neck. 
We are all devastated as it was caught early last year. 
is there any hope ? 


    Hi En,

    A very warm welcome to our forum, although I'm so sorry to hear why your joined us. What a pity to hear about your mum's latest diagnosis. I know just how devastating this is, as I have been through it with my own mum.

    There is always hope. Has her care team suggested any further treatment for her? I am not a doctor, but chemo can often halt the progression in cases like this. In the meantime support your mum as much as you can and make as many memories as you are able to.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how she gets on. We are always here for you both.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Hi

    Sorry about your mum. I hope you're ok. 
    she's having chemo and immunotherapy which starts soon to stop it from spreading. 
    fingers crossed it buys her some more time with us. 
    thank you for your message 

  • Hi En,

    I am glad to hear that there are still treatment options available to your mum. It sounds as if she has a tough time ahead of her, but I sincerely hope that these will buy her some more time with all of you.

    Please remember that we are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx