Second time

Just been diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time! Beat it once hopefully will do it again!!

  • Hi Jules

    I too had a recurrence of breast cancer which turned out to be triple negative.

    I had a mastectomy in July which has healed well and I am now on the FEC-T chemo journey, I had my first cycle of 8 on October 5th, they are every 21 days so number 2 next week.

    You will be fine, the chemo nurses are amazing and I feel I am getting the best care. I was scared at first but thet explain everything and deal with any side effects quickly.

    If you need surgery it's usually done as a day case these days too.

    Be brave hunni, positive mental attitude is definitely the way forward and the way I look at it is there is always someone worse off than me so I always feel grateful that it was picked up and I am being treated, thank God for the NHS.

    Anni xxx

  • Hi Jules , fingers crossed for you , you have beaten it once , bet you kick its sorry butt to the kerb !