Second session - feeling tired

Hi All, 

i have been diagnosed with breast cancer, I have had the surgery and all went well and the good news is the cancer has not spread.

i am now on to the chemo - the first session wasn’t so bad but the second one has left me wiped and feeling tired I am also on the injections which has left my body hurting from top to bottom. Was just wondering how others have been feeling with the chemo

  • Hi Hellsbells 

    my cancer was different, bowel, however I think it’s common that chemo gets a little worse due to the build up of the meds.  I found the first easy, second awful, third not too bad and then after that the rest just seemed harder to do each time.  Tired, aches and generally body didn’t feel mine.  I never had nauseous issues as just took the anti sick pills which worked.  My hands and feet really suffered and got worse after each treatment, it affected the nerves.  Even today my feet still get a little sore, overall I’ve learnt to live with it though.  Every time I would say I’m not doing it, then get the strength mentally to carry on lol it’s hard and we all different, but I can relate to what you saying. Hang in there.  Hope tomorrow is a better day for you

    great news it’s not spread ️


  • Hi,

    i was diagnosed in may with stage 3 breast cancer and have had 3 rounds of fec and one of herceptin and other targeted therapies. Have ended up in hospital after ever round as they pump me with strong drugs thinking my body can handle it because I’m only 36. The injections are awful. My bones ache from top to bottom and I find I get a nasty throbbing in my chest which travels to the base of my spine. I find just simple ibuprofen helps. Also I’m on the toilet quite a bit but been lucky in a way that I’ve had no sickness and tiredness in minimal. Got 5 rounds left and am kind of used to the side affects now as I know what to expect after each chemo now. My scan confirmed that my tumor has shrank by 50% so it must be working. If it’s doing something I’m willing to suffer a few aches and pains.

    take care

    candice x

  • Hi there hellsbells,

    Fantastic news that your cancer hasn't spread, that's great.

    Chemo is very much an individual thing unfortunately but I can share how I've been doing on it.

    I had my first 3 cycles of FEC and my body coped very well with that indeed.  I had almost no sickness, started a new job, went for lunches and dinners with friends and just had it on the third cycle where I ended up unable to keep anything down for a few hours and ended up seriously dehydrated (I still felt fine, just a trip to the chemo bay to get fluids).

    I've just had my first of 3 cycles of T last Thursday and I've now had pain flying all over my body since Sunday afternoon.  I've had some dizziness but I think that's because eating is painful so I'm not getting as many calories as I should.

    My mum had the same chemo as me but 8 years ago now and her experience was very different to mine.

    In terms of the nausea I believe there is a lot to be said for mind over matter.  I'm not sure we realise that just from hearing stories about people with cancer our brains completely associate chemo with nausea and sickness and can trick us into feeling that way.  While every day I woke up on FEC thinking I felt nausea on most of those days I talked myself out of it and turned out to be fine and got to enjoy my day (on the handful of others I did have nausea and it didn't want to leave).

    I take it you've had some good advice about preventative measures to help your body through chemo (moisturising, fluids etc.) and help prevent you catching infections?  If not there are many people on here able to advise.

    Sorry you've joined us on this journey :( but I look forward to hearing your stories as you kick its butt.
