Second opinion - yes/no ??

should I ask for a second opinion? 

I have stage 3 metastatic malignant melanoma.  I’ve had all my left axillary lymph nodes removed which also showed cancer.

Before the op, the CT showed no spread.  Since my op, I’ve had one follow up where the surgeon checked the wound, as I had lots of infection and wound healing problems, due to my other complications resulting from from my pituitary tumour.  He said I had lympodema but didn’t actually refer me anywhere.  I went & saw my gp & they referred me to the lympodema clinic, who have fitted me for all the compression garments.

When I met with the oncologist, after the op, I felt he was dismissive, didn’t open my notes & seemed confused about who or should we be doing another CT scan, him or the surgeons?! When I asked about the BRaf gene results, he didn’t know those either.  I’ve called & now left 3 messages to no reply. 

I felt so so isolated, low & confused when I left.  My daughter told me to call my SCNS (skin cancer nurse specialist).  There are only 2!! After FINALLY getting hold of one, I tried to explain how I was feeling so low and in limbo just waiting for the cancer to “pop up” again somewhere else & I feel like I’m a ticking time bomb.  I said I didn’t have a good experience with the oncologist & that my GP had referred me to the lympodema clinic.  She got very defensive, saying that SHE should decide if I had lympodema or not!! She was clearly rushed & not really listening and said she could see me ‘next week’ for a ten minute appointment but she felt I was “lucky” it hadn’t gone anywhere else yet & I was being “a bit dramatic”!

This has TOTALLY knocked my confidence, my trust & self esteem & I now feel I have no one whatsoever to talk/moan to.  I feel that as it’s a local hospital, maybe I would be better at a larger more cancer related hospital?  Opinions please .......

  • Hello dizzidancer; welcome to the forum.  You shouldn't have to be dealing with this kind of stress and unprofessional behaviour from the very people who are supposed to be helping and supporting you. It  is difficult for anyone here to know about your local NHS but it sounds as though you can talk to your GP and you might find it helpful to rerturn to the GP surgery and discuss your options with him/her.  If you have been looking through the forum you will find plenty of people who have been going through a variety of experiences with their local hospitals - both good and bad - and you might like to also chat with them.    You might also consider talking to the Patient Advisory and Liaison Service (PALS) at your hospital.  I have complained once to a local hospital and they came back within 24 hours and the answers we needed including a full explanation of a situation which had been a total mess (the doctor had lost the paperwork and other general chaos).   Do let us know how you get on.  Annie

  • Hi Dizziedancer,

    The service you are receiving from the oncologist & nurse are well below par. You are completely within your rights to ask to be referred to a Melanoma Centre of Excellence (there are only a few in the country). I will send you a pm with more details.

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient)

  • Morning ,

    i hope I find you well?

    How is your condition of Lymphoedema ?

    I have been recently diagnosed with this condition , like you I was left in limbo with my condition , I am a go getter and pushed to get treatment , after being left without a specialist nurse who relocated to Devon but never informed me , I was split between Bristol where I had op & Bath for Radiotherapy , I was told after post op , 6 months as a patient . Your kinda on your own !!

    I managed to chase a Lymphoedema care clinic , with a community nurse .She had been very helpful ... but i can only have 1 appointment a month and do not have huge resources to help with the condition , I have found an amazing YouTube film on the subject with a specialist consultant on the subject , which informed me of Bioelectrical impedance machine that monitors the fluid in your body by attaching electrodes to your body 

    This information is essential for providing a detailed insight into a personal health status and for indicating health risks such as severe dehydration or edema (water retention).

    This is all very new & very frustrating as I was a very physical being enjoying river rowing , 

    out door physical activities walking swimming etc .

    To someone who now feels very restricted in my every day life .

    More money has to put into Lymphoedema

    diagnosis .

    Also I wish I had listened to my brother he said when they cut into your lymphatic system you will never be the same again !!

    your Lymthatic system is the second most important part of your body along side your heart . It’s a living organism that works along side the heart pumping fluids toxins that drain from your body also the immune system .

    surgeons are just cutting through this intricate part of our bodies leaving woman disabled with a potential life time of pain & Lymphoedema 

    Which they say they cannot cure !!

    or can they ? 

    Im still researching, Dr’s make you feel that your a trying to get out of working when you extend your sick note or phase to work !!

    Like you it does nothing for your well being 

    I didn’t want the op , my daughter begged me 

    This being a year later after you posted on the forum , please tell me how you are faring