Scared it could be ovarian cancer.

Back history. 

In 2008 I had CIN3 cells which were treated with heated loop. I was having bleeding after sex for a long time before I got the courage to go to the gp as I was under the age limit for a smear. She (their specialist gynaecologist) has a look and she said all looks fine. No smear needed. So I fell pregnant with my 2nd child and during one of my check ups I asked the midwife to have a look at my cervix and see if it was ok. She said it was inflamed and they couldn’t do anything til after I had the baby. I went back after having her and pushed for a smear test which showed I had CIN3. The nurse said I was very lucky that I pushed for it and I should have been offered it sooner due to the nature of my symptoms. 

Since then I’ve been diagnosed with pcos, they looked like cauliflowers in the scan. 

Fast forward a couple of years, another child came, then I was having painful sex again shooting right up into my stomach and bleeding a lot afterward. Smear tests all negative so I was sent for an ultrasound which showed that my ovaries were fine, no more pcos. They were baffled by my pain still and said that I would need further tests but I’d have to go back to my gp. I then found out that week that I was pregnant again. So that ended the investigations. Sex was still painful and I’d still bleed but due to my daughter having issues with her tummy and never slept I never found time to have sex anyway so it wasn’t a recurring thing. I always have pain when I ovulate so I know that it’s happening. I just assume it’s another cyst. I had another child (5 if you’re counting lol) and now I’m still getting the pain during sex and bleeding. But my smears are fine so I’ve been put back to the three year testing. 

The past few months I’ve had a burning feeling in my pelvic area where I get my ovulation pains. The past few weeks I’ve had constant pain as if it’s ovulation and cramps like I’m on my period. I’ve also been bloated for a few months, I thought it was just fat as I’ve had five kids but no amount of diet or exercise is shifting it. I used to be bloated after eating and I’ve suffered with ibs for years but I’ve not had an episode for a while. But usually in the morning the bloating is gone but it’s here all the time and when I lay down I find it hard to breathe. Even when sitting. The past few weeks I’ve been so tired it’s unreal. I’ve never been this tired before even with 5 kids and work I’ve always had energy at some point. Sleeping is hard as I’m having trouble breathing and I’m constantly going to the bathroom to urinate. My aunt has just been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and it got me looking at the symptoms and now I’m scared I have it too. I’m 33. 

Can anyone shed some light? I don’t want to be fobbed off at the gp like I was with my cervix. I called for an appointment this morning but they had none so I’ll call again in the morning. If you got through all this thank you!  

  • To add, I’ve had nausea occasionally, lower back pain, a strange ear pain that comes and goes in both ears or singly, which could be unrelated but it’s all happening with the symptoms I’ve been having. 

    I’ve been so tired I’m forgetting things and getting my words mixed up even in text :( 

    I just want to know what to expect and not be fobbed off again 

  • Oh and I can’t eat as much as I used to anymore. I used to be able to do three courses easy but I’m barely having a starter :( 

  • Update


    had my gp appointment today. Told her my symptoms and as usual, as I have so many kids she asked if I was just pregnant while laughing. I said no. She said how can you be sure? I said you need to have sex to get pregnant and I’m not having sex due to the pain I’m in. Which is why I’m here. She looked over my history and she said she will order bloods and a follow up with a female gp. Then she said actually, I’ll refer you to a gynaecologist so they can do the full works, I was pleased with that outcome and thanked her. She done an examination she said cervix looks fine but she’s taken some swabs. Afterwards she said, actually I’ll just send you for the bloods and the follow up appointment. Disheartening but it’s a step forward nonetheless. I told her about my aunt and how similar the symptoms are. So she put on my blood test reasons ‘tiredness and worried about ovarian cancer’. Annoyed me a bit but hey ho I’m getting the CA125 test. 


    Shes also testing my blood sugar, iron levels, thyroid, liver function etc to rule out anything else that could cause my exhaustion. Also having familial hypercholestreamia done as I have cholesterol deposits on my face and lips which my heart consultant suggested I have done (heart is fine but I have low blood pressure causing palpitations sometimes) 


    so I have my blood tests Thursday and my follow up the following Friday. Bricking it is an understatement

  • Update


    called gp surgery to get results the other day as I couldn’t wait for my appt today. Said all was normal. I could breathe. Went to my appt today and she said the CA125 test showed as 31. Not a high reading but it’s there and it was flagged on her screen with my appointment date attached. I’m annoyed they told me it was all normal over the phone. 

    So now I’m waiting for my scan date. More waiting

  • Thanks 

    she said normal range was 0-30 so 31 isn’t too bad thankfully but it’s still there and a worry 


    what was your reading?

  • Hi Try not to worry as a raised CA125 does not always mean cancer and as yours is only slightly raised it could be down to an infection.

    I had to see a Gyneacologist as my Dr felt something when she examined me and sent me for a scan. She then rang me to say they found a mass on my ovary so I spent a week worrying myself sick and it turned out to be just a benign cyst. Nine times out of ten they are benign.

    Let us know how you get on but try not to worry (I know that's difficult)

  • That’s strange because I saw on her screen the chart was 0-30 then anything above was red and she said 30 is normal range. I’ve looked online and they have different ranges on there too. Strange. 


    Good yours is going down though right? 

  • Thank you for the reassurance! I’m glad all was okay for you did you have the ca125 test too?