Scared I might have ovarian cancer?

My name is Carlie and I’m 24 years old. About 2 1/2 years I went to see my GP as I had abdominal/pelvic pain for about a month. I was also really extremely nauseous, cramping pain almost every day, was bloated and weight gain. 

They sent me for an transvaginal  ultrasound and it did show I had cysts on my ovaries but they didn’t go into much detail about it.  My GP sent me to a Gynaecologist and she basically confirmed I have PCOS (poly cystic ovarian syndrome) and that exercise and changing my diet, along with birth control, should help. I change my diet and exercise and nothing has changed. My weight has actually gotten worse even though I’ve cut back on sugar, dairy and gluten. 

Fast forward to now, March 2018, I went back to my GP to tell her nothing had changed. We did a few blood tests and X-rays. Still nothing, She diagnosed me with IBS and advised me to change my diet, which I did months prior and things havent got any better.

She said my symptoms could be getting worse due to stress at job.I didn't feel particularly stressed and thought she was just brushing me off. 

It’s just difficult because I'm so young I don't think I will be taken seriously. I just feel as if something is going on and when I started researching my symptoms my stomach sank because I have almost everyone of ovarian cancer. I just keep putting it off and thinking its probably something else like IBS, it most likely is but you never know and you can never be too careful. 

The abdominal pain has gotten worse as well as the bloating and I can go all day without eating because I just don't feel hungry. It started about 3 years ago .. started with missed periods, weight gain on in stomach area, fatigue, bloating eventually worsen into pelvic pain, cramping and bloated stomach. 

Do you think this is anything to be worried about? I feel like it I go back to the GP or GYNO and explain my concerns but they will just ignore it as I'm so young and have no family history.

My symptoms:

Peeing a lot more then normal

Night sweats


Bloated stomach

No appetite/feeling full quickly

Cramping like pain in pelvic area


Back pain -sometimes so extreme I can’t move 

Weigh gain in the abdomen 


Difficultly breathing 

Twisting pain in Pelvic area (pain is really low down and feels like a heavy nawing pain)

  • Welcome to the forum Carlieamarie although I'm sorry for the reason you are posting.

    If you feel like you're not being listened to or taken seriously is there another GP at your surgery that you could book an appointment with to get a second opinion? We have some general information about this on our website just here which I hope will be helpful to you at this time but it may be worth giving our cancer nurses a call as they may be able to give you some advice on what to say to your GP so they are hearing your concerns properly. If you do want to chat to them about this their freephone number is 0808 800 4040 and are available Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m.

    Kind regards, 

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • it’s been a year and wanted to kno what the outcome was as I am having the same