Scared I have melanoma



I was wondering if anyone could help me out - Iv always had two smallish (freckles) on my left forearm which have never changed in size or shape. 

In May I was going on holiday so stupidly decided to take melonatan nasal sprays and go for sunbeds before it. I can't describe how much I regret this and how stupid I feel for doing it. 

however, I noticed all my freckles got darker (as they normally do when I tan) however one in particular went almost black and grew in size. Some of my friends reassured me this has happened to them so I left it until last week I decided to Google some stuff and decided to go to the doctors. Iv been referred to a dermotologist. 

im so scared that it is going to be something nasty as the Gp wasn't very reassuring as I know they can't be at this stage. I'm only 23 and I'm petrified that this is going to be skin cancer and caught too late. The anxiety is eating me alive and every little thing happening in my body ( a sore head, mild weight loss etc) has me convinced it's cancer. 


can anyone help or offer some guidance if they have been through something similar? X 

  • Hi Kay kay,

    I know it's worrying but try not to think you've left it too late. I left mine a year - thankfully I'm still here many years later! You are now seeing a dermatologist about it and there is a 75% chance it won't be melanoma. If it is, there is still a good chance it's been caught early and can be successfully treated. So the odds it can be sorted out are good. The lesson to take from this is NOT to use sunbeds again and to use high factor sun screen in the sun. 

    Good luck with your appointment and please let us know how you get on.

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)

  • Hi Angie,

    Thank you - I went to the doctors today as I noticed a lump on my arm near the mole and thankfully it's nothing at all too worry about - just fatty tissue. 

    i spoke with a really lovely doctor who had actually been a skin doctor for 30 years who really reassured me about the mole but said if he can't be 100% it's always best to get it checked. 

    feeling much more at ease after that appointment and will keep you updated once I have been to a dermatologist. 

    thank you so much for your reply, Iv read many of your replies on this forum which has really put me at ease! Next hurdle is not to Google anything!! 

  • I'm glad to hear that your GP has put your mind at rest and referred you to be 100% sure. Keep positive and Good Luck xx

  • Hi Angie, 

    My results came back as superficial spreading melanoma in situ which is a pre cursor to a skin cancer. The letter says fortunately this has been removed prior to it fully developing/becoming any thicker and that they are happy to reassure me that the lesion has been fully removed although the margins are a little bit narrower than they would like. 

    The doctor has reassured me that everything is going to be ok. However, I have a holiday booked for the end of November and not sure if it's best to go on it. I'm prepared for being completely save and staying out the sun especially in the warmest part of the day but do not know if it's ideal to be going this early. 

    wondering if you have any advise on this? 


    K x 

  • As long as your surgical site is healing well I can see no reason why you should miss your planned holiday. If it's to a sunny climate I would cover the area with clothing for now (sunscreen may irritate your scar). Sun safety is obviously important though. Otherwise, enjoy your holiday and the relaxation will help you after all the stress. 

  • Hi Angie, 


    It's healed perfectly but I have to go back 2 days before my holiday to get some more healthy skin removed. 


  • It might be worth you ringing and asking for the consultant 's advice. The wound will be bigger next time so it will depend on how many & what type of stitches will be used as regards dressings and advice to avoid lifting anything with that arm. Also you'll need to be alert to any infection in the wound (swimming will be a no no). Only your care team can give you the best advice. If it's a UK holiday you will be fine but if going abroad you need to ensure your insurance will cover you if you need any unexpected treatment (antibiotics etc).