Scared and can’t sleep



been referred by doc for breast clinic-have a pain when I press on my third rib and dull ache that goes on and off around that area-some days better than the other. Also have extremely bad PMS with very tender breasts (but that is gone now as has my period a few says ago). This pain has been going on for 8 months now-hasn’t gotten worse, just stayed the same really.

3 docs couldn’t find a lump, but then one said he felt a pea sized lump but then said it felt like a duct or anmammary gland?

if anyone has had similar please let me know-can’t stop crying and my referral is Thursday

  • Hello love, not too long now to wait, the breast clinic will sort you out. It's really difficult not to over think everything, but it does sound hormonal, when I used to have periods my breasts were horribly painful.....I couldn't even hug my


    The breast clinic may be a long one, so if there is someone you can take it will make the time pass better.....I remember when I was in my early 30' s I went to a breast clinic, I had found a small lump, but they couldn't find a it was put down to normal changes .....I'm certain it will be the same for you...let us know how you get on? Xx

  • I’m hoping it’s hormonal-I think it’s becuase if I press on my rib in one spot I get a horrible pain, almost like I’m pressing on a bruise. My aching breasts have stopped but this dull ache has been going on for so long my arm is starting to feel numb now too and I have a slight pain in my back and it’s making me think if I have got something hss it spread? Everything is worrying me horribly.

    i will-it’s on Thursday morning. I’m bringing my mum and sister with me too - it’s jusy the crying I can’t stop! I’m fine during the day at work but as soon as I get in the car or get home I bawl my eyes out