
Hi can anyone help me 

i have been having symptoms for 3 weeks now and have an appointment for the 18th to have a cervical polyp removed, what happens was I went for my routine smear which was a year over due because of covid etc and they told me I had a small polyps and that might be the reason I had spotting one during ovulation so they are sending me to have it removed and biopsied but I also have bloating that gets worse as the day goes on and worse after eating, constipation well I can go 3 days without using the loo, some pelvic light crampy kind of feeling and stabby pain in my bottom I'm soooo worried this is ovarian cancer as I have some of the main symptoms? 

  • I'm sorry for the worry your symptoms are causing Twinkle. It's completely understandable, and natural, to be feeling anxious and a tad scared at the moment but fingers crossed your polyp removal will make things much better for you.

    In the meantime, if your symptoms start to get worse or become unmanageable whilst waiting for your surgery do be sure to let your doctor know as they may be able to provide some medication that can help.

    Wishing you all the best for the 18th Twinkle.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you so much for you're reply much appreciated and I will surely get van to my doctor if this worsen I am terrified about all of this but I know I have to get through it one way or another :happy: